"I'm leaving. Let's see what dad makes of you skipping work because of a stupid girl." Eric says as he gathers his things.
"Tris is not stupid! And secondly, I didn't skip work. I'm here." But he ignores my reply and leaves.
I sigh and lean back in my chair. I had been with Tris the whole time before work and had forgotten about it. So, now I have to work an extra hour.
I turn my attention to the screen in front of me and scroll through the list of cameras. There is nothing interesting to watch. So, I open the screen which shows displays of multiple cameras.
For sometime I just sit and watch but then my throat starts to get parched, so I decide to go get myself some water.
I go down to the kitchen and gulp down a pitcher of water. I'm on my back to the control room when I come across someone in Chasm. As I near the person I see that it's Henry.
He's leaning over the railing, looking down into the darkness. I know why he's here.
"Hi." I say, stopping next to him.
He doesn't look up as he nods his head in reply. I might be good at consoling Tris. But she's a girl. I'm not sure if boys like to be held while they cry.
So, I ask. "Are you okay?"
This time he looks up and I see tears in his eyes.
"It's Kate, isn't it?" I ask him.
He nods. "She...I wasn't good enough..." I at once stop him. "Don't! What she chose wasn't your fault."
"How do you know that?" He wipes his eyes.
I choose my words carefully. "I just know that it wasn't because of you."
"I'm such an idiot for not realizing it before." He hits the railing hard as if he's trying to let his anger out on it. I remember doing the same with my chair.
"Realize what?" I ask him picking up a rock.
"That you were the one she wanted." I was about to toss it into the Chasm but it just slips from between my fingers and falls at my feet.
"Listen. I know that you weren't the one she...wanted to be with. But make this clear, I am not the one she wanted either."
"Then who or what drove her to suicide?" He asks, looking annoyed.
"Like I said I can't say." I tell him.
"Of course." He mutters and walks away.
I always make situations worse. With this I walk back to the control room. When I walk in the light's are off, just as I left it. The only glow is coming form my computer's screen.
But there's a figure hunched over my screen. I at once panic because I'm logged in and my account contains a record of all Initiates, my own search history etc.
I sneak up behind the person. For some reason the shape of the body looks familiar but my mind can't register who it is.
The moment I reach the person I get hold of his arms and pin then behind his back. But when the person screams in pain, I realize that it's not a him but a her.
She has blonde hair.
Her name escapes my mouth as a question. "Tris?"
Guys please please please do comment!
Your comments mean a lot and I'm not the type of person who gets annoyed just because someone comments "update."
For me this comment is a source of inspiration and it also shows that you guys care enough about the story to want to go on reading :)
Thank you @Starbucksrunner2014 and @Divergent_obsessed46 for commenting on the previous chapter :)

Dauntless Brothers
FanfictionTobias and Eric are brothers. Tris is there but so is another girl.