Yesterday, I didn't want to let go of Tris. So many mishaps have happened along our relationship, that every moment feels like the last together.
I walked her home and held onto her till the last moment. She's supposed to meet me today at my apartment because Evelyn said that she had an announcement to make and she wanted everyone to be there.
I'm closing my room's door when I hear the knock I'd been waiting for. I run to the door and open it.
"Hi." She says.
I don't reply but press my lips to hers. "This is better than a greeting." I laugh at this and let her in.
"What do you think she want?" Tris asks.
"Considering her recent change of character, I honestly have no idea."
"What do you think made her do what she did?" She asks, sitting on the couch's arm.
"She did tell me that she was against the way Marcus treated me but she never actually stopped him till yesterday."
"How long do we have before we find out?"
"About ten minutes. She and Marcus left to go somewhere. And I don't know where Eric is." I reply.
Then a thought strikes me. "How's you arm?"
She pulls down her jacket to reveal her shoulder wrapped in a bandage. "It hurt a bit yesterday but now it's fine."
I sigh. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" She asks.
"I shouldn't have doubted you. If..." But she cuts in. "Stop! You have your reasons to have doubted me. Besides I once doubted you too."
I smile at her. "So, we're even?"
"We're even." She nods and then pulls me down for a kiss but almost at once we're forced to pull away because the door opens and my family steps in.
"Good. You're both here." For a change Evelyn is smiling and Marcus is not. I like my family this way.
"What did you want to talk about?" I ask.
"Marcus and I went to the leaders."
"And?" This time it's Eric who asks the question. This means that he's as clueless as I am.
"We...Well, I decided that after all the time we've spent together, we haven't been able to make this marriage work. So, I requested the leaders to give us separate apartments. And they agreed!"
"What?!" Eric and I scream together.
"Yes!" Marcus bellows together.
"But we're family and family sticks together." Eric objects.
"Yes and they also care for each other." This silences him.
Then a thought strikes me. "But what about us?"
"It's your choice who want to stay with." She replies.
"I'm going with dad." Eric at once says.
"What about you?" Marcus asks.
I don't need to think twice about my decision. "I'm staying with you."
Evelyn smiles at me. "Well, then it's settled!"
"Wait! Then why am I here?" This is the first time Tris spoke.
"Right! About that. It's more about you and Tobias."
"What about it?" She asks, frowning.
"Well, it's both your fathers who have a problem with each other and they dragged me and Natalie into it. But they approved of it and we did not. Now, I do too."
"You mean that you're not mad at me or anything about being with Tris?" I ask just to make sure that I heard her right.
She nods. "Yes. I'm not mad at you. I'm happy for you two."
"Wow! I was not expecting that." Tris says, smiling.
"Me neither." I reply.
"You two are officially free to do whatever you want." She finishes by raising an eyebrow at us. We both get the message.
"Mom!" I exclaim as Tris goes red.
Evelyn turns to the other two. "You can start packing. The sooner you leave the better."
I want to thank all those people who commented on the previous chapter. It has 13 comments! Yesss! You guys have finally started commenting. I'm really very happy :)
Thank you for all your reads, votes and comments! :) ily guys <4
P.S. @Le_Muslim_Author made the new cover. Thank you so much for that :) Do let me now what you think!

Dauntless Brothers
FanfictionTobias and Eric are brothers. Tris is there but so is another girl.