[Chapter 26] Missing.

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I walk into the last class of the day, History. This is the only class Tris and I have together other than homeroom.

When I walk in she's no where in sight. I take my seat while the others continue to file in. Soon the teacher walks in and the class starts. But the seat behind me remains vacant.

I try to stop thinking about Tris and focus on what was being said. But my mind keeps wandering back to her, thinking about where she is and what she's doing.

The moment the bell rings, I'm out of my seat and rushing towards the exit. I quickly make my way to the train tracks and wait for Tris to arrive just like everyday.

But she doesn't. I wait for another five minutes and then take the train back to Dauntless headquarters.

I go to my apartment to drop off my bag and then go down for lunch. Cake isn't served for lunch, so I put some pasta on my plate, grab some bread and find myself a seat.

No Tris shows up for lunch. Worry springs up inside me and all the possible reasons for her absence rush through my head.

I tell myself that she's alright and focus on Zeke who's sitting opposite from me. Apparently he's trying to balance a hard boiled egg on his head.

Even Zeke's goofiness doesn't make me smile. And for the friend he is he notices the missing smile and asks. "Four, you alright?"

I nod and turn my attention to my food which sits untouched on my plate. I try forcing some down. But they threaten to come back up. So, I stop and end up drinking water for lunch.

Back in the apartment, Tris comes back to my mind as I try to finish my homework. I try History but then I sense that was the time I realized for the first time in the day that Tris was missing.

I decide to go set up the simulations early. As I make my way to the room, this morning flashes through my mind.

~flashback starts~

I get to school thirty minutes early and decide to go dig up some information for an assignment.

I enter the library and silently walk between the aisles till I reach the right section. I choose some books and start to carry them to a table when some blonde hair catches my eye.

Tris is standing on her toes reaching for a book with her back to me. I silently walk up behind her and her up in my arms.

She gives a small shriek but at once stops. I kiss her cheek and out her down. She turns in my arms so that we're facing each other and says. "You scared me."

I smile at her and then gently kiss her. She presses me against the bookshelf behind me and deepens the kiss.

When we break away, we're both flushed. A grin crosses my face and she hits my arm.

~flashback ends~

I finish setting up the system and happen to see Lauren passing by. I call after her. "Lauren?"

She turns towards me. "Hey Tobias."

"Have you seen Tris, today?" I ask her. I realize that I'm hoping she'll say yes. She doesn't.

"Sorry. I haven't. But she did leave a note in my room saying that she won't be able to make it to work today." With this she fishes out a paper from her pocket and hands it to me before walking away.

I unfold it and read through what's written.


I won't be able to make it to work.

I'm not feeling well and I don't feel like talking to anyone.

Please do manage the Initiation for today on your own.


The worry inside me just gets worse.

Why isn't she feeling well?

Why doesn't she want too talk to anyone?

Where's Tris?

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