As soon as my extra one hour is complete, I leave the room and head back to the apartment. If I had taken the short cut I would've gotten there in two minutes. But I avoid it because I don't want to run into Tris.
I wish I hadn't thought this.
The moment I step foot onto my hallway, some runs into my arms. I just stand motionless and don't return the gesture.
She realizes this and pulls away. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I start walking again, but she gets hold of my arm and pulls me back.
"I know it's nothing, tell me." She insists.
I feel like telling her but I know that I have my anger caged and if I let it go then all hell will break loose.
I keep my voice low and say. "How can you keep pretending?"
I don't wait for reply and head inside. There is no one in the living area except Marcus. He looks up and notices my expression.
"What?" He asks.
I at once straighten it. "Nothing." It's the same reply I gave Tris.
"It's that girl isn't it?" He asks, putting down the papers he's holding.
I just nods my head and then after a pause I feel obliged to add. "You were right about her."
He looks at me for a second. Then he gets up and shoves his hands into his pockets.
"Parents always say something for a reason. It's good to know that you finally paid heed to any of my advice."
I decide to come clean. "I did. I did ignore it, till it actually happened."
"Good for you." He pats me on the shoulder and goes to his room. I go over what just happened and come to one conclusion. We're finally bonding.
-Time Lapse-
The next morning, I wake up to a strange aching inside me. I reach up and try to rub it off but no matter how hard I rub, it doesn't stop.
Does it really hurt so much when you loose someone you love?
I push all thoughts of Tris out of my head and get ready for the day. I take a long shower to wash away any remains of hers. Then I change into a new shirt because I don't feel like anything old. I might've wore it when I was with her.
I go down to breakfast but she's not there. I heave a sigh of relief and focus on the task at hand. Eating. Tris shows up somewhere near the end but thankfully there is no place at our table.
I finish breakfast and leave with Zeke and Shauna. When we jump onto the train, he pounces on me.
"Why are you here?"
"I'm going to school." I reply in my 'matter of fact' voice.
"Why didn't you wait for Tris?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me.
"Why should I tell you?" I ask in reply.
"Because I'm your friend." He states.
"Uhuh? Well, so is Shauna and she isn't asking questions." I tell him, pointing at her who has her nose in a book.
When she senses our eyes on her, she says to me. "I could but I don't feel like it because I have a test."
Then to Zeke, she says. "And you stop it! Shut up!"
"Come on, it's just a test."
"Not for me!" Shauna goes back to studying and Zeke goes back to gazing out of the open door, leaving me alone with my disturbing thoughts.

Dauntless Brothers
FanfictionTobias and Eric are brothers. Tris is there but so is another girl.