[Chapter 49] FourTris.

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I wake up to find Tris asleep with her head on my chest. I wrap an arm around her and kiss her head. She stirs at my touch and looks up at me."Good morning." I say.

 "Morning." She mumbles and goes back to sleeping.

 I smile at her and just stay put, playing with her hair. After some time she rolls off me and onto her side, so that she's looking at me. 

 "I can't believe we don't have to deal with those two anymore." She says.

 I kiss her forehead. "I know. It's unbelievable." 

I move closer to her and snuggle into her neck. She giggles moves away, so that we're just laying there on one pillow. She reaches out and runs a hand through my hair. I sit up so that my weight's supported by my elbow. 

"Wha..?" I cut her off by doing something that isn't in her fear landscape but it's her weak point.

 I start tickling her and soon she's doubled over trying to get out of my reach. She rolls over and falls off to the bed. 

"Thanks a lot Tobias!" She groans. 

I look over the edge and grin at her. She's laying there on the floor looking up at me. Suddenly she sits up so that our faces are only inches apart. 

"You're not a good husband." She tells me.

 "Oh really?" I ask, wiggling closer to her.

 She opens her mouth to reply but instead she just presses her lips to mine. I reach out my arms to hold her but instead she gets hold of me and yanks me out of bed.Now she's towering over me and I'm lying on floor at her feet.

 "Got a taste of your own medicine?" She asks. 

"Umm...Ouch!" Pain shoots through my back. "Yeah, I definitely did." 

 She smiles in triumph and then says. "I'm going to take a shower." 

I nod and sit up and she goes into the washroom. I rub my back as I move to sit on the bed's edge. I run a hand through my hair and it accidentally touches my face and I realise I have to shave.I knock on the door. 


"Yes?" She calls back. 

"I need to shave. Do you mind if I do that right now?" I ask her.

 There is silence for a moment but then she says. "Go ahead." 

Taking a deep breath I push open the door. I can only hear the water running because she has the curtains pulled forward.I stand in front of the mirrored wall and start spreading shaving foam over the stubs. I'm wiping it off when she speaks up. 

"Could you please hand me a towel?"I do as told. 

The water stops running and after some time Tris emerges with the towel wrapped around her body. Her wet hair is clinging to her face.

"Do you mind?" 

This makes me realise that I'm standing in her way. I move away to give her space.But instead of going out she walks over to me and wraps an arm around my neck, pulling me to her. She kisses me and I wrap my arms around her, so that I can hold her as close to me as possible. 

When she pulls away, we're both out of breath. She kisses my cheek before going out. I sheepishly smile to myself as I get into the shower. When I walk out with a towel wrapped around my waist, I find Tris pulling her hair into a ponytail. She averts her eyes as I finish changing and then she asks me. 

"You know you never told me what you thought of Romeo and Juliet."

 I sit down on bed and start putting on socks. "Right! I did finish reading it and the ending was...tragic."

 She sits down next to me. "I know but it was realistic too because if I had been in her place and you had been in Romeo's, I would definitely have killed myself."

 "And I'm ready to poison myself for you."

 Tris sighs and reaches out to kiss me but I beat her to it. I push her down so that I'm on top of her. She raises herself onto her elbows and kisses me. I force her back down. When we pull away Tris is gasping for air, literally gasping. 

"Are you alright?" I ask her. 

She shakes her head. I get off the bed and pull her into a sitting position. She's sitting on the bed with me kneeling in front of her. 

A few tears escape her eyes. "I'm sorry. I just thought that..." 

I at once stop her. "Hey! Look at me." She keeps staring over my head, so I repeat. "Look at me." 

This time she lowers her gaze to meet mine. 

"I want to make one thing very clear. I'm never going to force you to do anything that you don't want to, okay?" She nods her head. 

At that very moment a knock sounds on the door. I kiss her on the cheek and go answer it. Tris follows me. I open the door to find people outside and a chorus of greets hits me. 

The first person to run in and hug Tris is Christina. Then Uriah, Zeke and Shauna follow. Once they're all inside I close the door.

 "What are you all doing here?" I ask them. 

"What does it look like?" Uriah asks me. 

"That you're intruding." I reply and at once wish that I hadn't said that because Zeke raises an eyebrow at me and asks. "Intruding what?" 

At this Tris goes Scarlett red. "I did not mean it that way!" I exclaim.

 Shauna takes control. "Guys! We did not come here to have this discussion!"

 Tris asks. "Then what brings you here?" 

"A house warming party/a bridal shower, since you never had one."

 She motions to the packages they're all holding.Uriah moves forward and hands Tris a box. When she opens it her eyes widen. "Oh Uriah!" 

She pulls out a shirt and I at once know which one it is.

 "Isn't that the shirt we signed at the end of a Initiation, when we all found out that we're officially Dauntless?" 

"Yep!" He replies. 

Tris hugs him and says. "Thank You." 

He advances towards me with his arms outstretched but I hold hold up my hands to stop him. 

"Thanks. But no way am I hugging you." 

Everyone burst outs laughing while Uriah pretends that I just broke his heart.

Just one chapter to go guys!

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