Luffy x Reader

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You live on small island in the grand line. Your family own the small café in the town. You worked the days shifts since your parents wanted you home at night. But one night was different your father was sick you offer to work for him. That was big mistake that night on this night a group of pirates decided to attack your village burning everything to the ground. Even killing your parents who die protecting you. You only seventeen you can take on some pirates those pirates was stronger then the ones you can deal with. You was shot four times in the stomach and once in the leg you was on the ground bleeding from your wounds.

That was last thing you remember before blacking out. When you woke up you founded yourself in a medical room. You bandages up your wounds was taken care of. You notice this reindeer? What in the world? "Ummm?" You scared the poor thing who was writing down your medical history what happen. "Your wake!" The small doctor was happy. "What happen?" You asked. as Chopper sat down in his chair. "We founded you bleeding to death on that island after that pirate attack. Our captain taken care of them." He explained. His captain? was she on Marine ship?

Sudden a blonde guy walked through the door with a tray of food he stared at you with hearts in his eyes. "My princess had waken! Are you doing my dear? I made you some food" As he noodle danced over to you with the tray of food. You started at the tray of food who was those people? After you ate your lunch Chopper checked you out. He said you can go head and meet the others. You nod as you walked out of the medical office onto the deck of the Sunny. There was other people a orange haired women shouting at a group of guys who as goofing off. One of them was wearing a strawhat.

They notice you as the boy with the strawhat ran over to you. "HEY! I'm glad you're alright!" He grinned like a child this boy was cute in many ways. "Oi! Luffy don't run off like that!" Nami shouted at her captain as she sighed. "You save me from the pirate attack back on my island?" You asked he nodded. "We did!" You smiled as you notices a black flag with a skull mark with the same strawhat on it. Your eyes widened this was pirate ship?! you started to panic as you back away from the group who saved you. "We're not going hurt you." Luffy did not want you being scare of them.

"B-But you're p-pirates!" You back yourself into a corner as Luffy titled his head. "We're! But we not going hurt you...." He wanted you to trust him not be scare of him or his crew.

~Week Later~

You learned about Luffy's devil fruit powers and his strange crew also. He wanted you to join his crew Nami kept telling him no. You just giggled you became best friends with Robin and Nami. They both notice you had feelings for the captain. "Y/N! Let play a game together!" Luffy asked before pulling you away from your spot into the kitchen grabbing a box of pockys. "Let play the pocky game." He asked you blushed. "Luffy do you know what that game is!?" You asked Luffy nodded his head Nami explained to him about it. "I do!" he grabs one of the pockys then placed in your mouth he started eating it until you felt his lips on yours. Your face turned bright red you notices Nami smirking at the doorway.

"Join my crew?" He asked. "Oh fine, I'll join you captain." You kissed his forehead before smiling at him.

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