Strawhats x mom! Reader x Law

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As you ran through the burning village that was attacked by group of pirates you had your (D/N) in your arms. "Mommy will save you.." You whisper to the little girl in your arms you lost your husband to the attack he was killed protecting you and your daughter. As you came to the docks only see another pirate ship docked on the other side of the island it's seem like the pirates only attacked this side of the island. Sudden your (D/N) started crying as she was hungry you did not have any food or milk sudden an blonde male wearing an suite approached with hearts in his eyes. "Miss! are you alright!" Sanji asked as he notices the crying baby in her arms your daughter is only two year old. "Please help us.." As you passed out in Blonde's arms Sanji pick you up as he carried you back to the ship. "CHOPPER!" Sanji shouted for the doctor as the little reindeer came running as he stared at you and your baby. "Hurry!" He said to Sanji taken you to the medical bay as Chopper checked you and your daughter out. "They're both alright. Mother is tried and the baby is hungry. Can you make some food for the baby Sanji?" Chopper asked.

"Yes I can." He heads off into the kitchen to make some soft foods for the baby.  Luffy and others returned from the island after taken down those pirates who destroyed your village. "I don't think they left one person alive!" Nami said with frown. "They make us pirates look bad." Usopp said with an sign even know pirates like to kill and destroy things the strawhats wasn't like that as the crew returned on the ship they heard an baby crying. "Baby?" Nami asked. Law stared at the crew with an confuse look on his face also. As the crew entered the kitchen seeing Sanji with an baby girl who was being bottle. "Good girl." Sanji smiled as the baby girl  giggled before drinking the milk from the bottle. "SANJI IS FATHER?!" Whole crew was shocked. "N-No! She not mine!" Sanji's cheeks turned red.

"D/N" As an young women who appears to be in her late twenties. "Mama!" The little girl waved her arms at her mother. "Thank you." As you take your daughter into your arms. "Mama where is papa?" You daughter asked. "Sweetie.. I'm sorry.. Papa..." You hugged your little girl in tears as crew had sad look on their faces. "Join us!" Luffy asked you. "Me an pirate? B-But I have an child!" You did not want them getting in the way or her child getting the way also. "I want have fun!" Your daughter started giggling. "We don't mind!" Nami said with an smile. "Having an child on board be fun also." Robin played with your daughter. "T-Thank you!" You bowed with tears in your eyes.


Been two months since you and your daughter joined the strawhats pirates. Your daughter like being around the crew mostly Chopper and Luffy who would play with her the most. You notices your daughter taken Law's hat from his head while he was asleep. "Oh no! Honey! come back!" You chased after your hyper child through the lawn with Law's hat on her head. Lately you been having feelings to the heart pirate captain even your daughter was growing on him also. Law woke up he did not have his hat on his head. "Y/N-ya... Tell your D/N-ya give back my hat.. She look silly in an large hat." The hat on her head was big it fallen over eyes. She giggled at her child as she takes the hat from her then handed it back to Law. "She like to prank people. Mostly to the ones she likes the most." You explained.

"Oh." He smirked at you before pulling you down into his arms. You blushed as you lean back into his chest he dose remind you of your late husband. "Mama! Is Law going be my new dad?!" As your daughter ran over to you and Law then jumped into your lap. "W-What.." You became speechless Law was blushing. "No honey." you pat her head. "Why? you love him do you?" She asked this cause Law to smirk he takes his hat then placed on your D/N head pulling the hat down over her eyes as he kissed you on the lips. Your daughter saw the kiss through the hat she giggled. "Are you sure?" You asked. "Yes Y/N-ya. I don't mind being the father to your child also." He pick up your daughter into his arms. "Papa!" Your daughter hugged Law with an smile.

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