One Piece Characters x Reader

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A/N: This have many    one piece characters. That why it titled like that. Enjoy~

Last thing you remember was running away from the marines Luffy and his crew was all over the place you  placed with Sanji and Robin even Law. Fighting off the marines in this small cave it's seem like Smoker wants to catch you for one reason. You taken down a lot of strong people before joining Luffy's crew Smoker believe you joined the wrong people. You choose to be an pirate since Luffy and Law saved you from group of bandits that attacked your village. You're mage also you used a lot of magic spells to protect and attack your enemies that why you was wanted with an high bounty.

"Y/N-Swan! Robin-Swan!" Sanji shouted as Smoker on their tail you can run so away before stopping you grab your spell book from your bag. "Keep going!" You shouted. "Y/N!" Robin did not like want you using that one spell this spell you going use can kill you if used wrong. Law stopped then stood there for moment he did not want you using dangerous spells also. "Y/N-Swan" Sanji knew what was going happen next. "Don't worried about me! Keep going damn it!" The book glowed as the book floated in front of her.

Usopp and Chopper came running down the path only see you casting an spell. "Y/N!" Chopper shouted. "Chopper let keep going.." Usopp said to the small doctor you created an large ball of fire along with ball of darkness. "Sanji.. Law... take care of Robin..." With an smile on your before casting the spell onto Smoker blasting the man cross the cave the cave covered in dark flames your appearances changed your (H/C) was now jet back and your (E/C) are crimson red as an demon taken over your soul and body. "No wonder you nick name the Dark Demon Y/N" Smoker smirked at you.

"This will you be last stand Smokey" In deep voice Luffy and Kid was running this away only see you in your 'demon form' as everyone like to call it. "Y/N!" Luffy shouted at you your body was starting to  burn you had black veins showing on your body  Luffy knew you was starting to lose your life. "Y/N! NO DON'T KILL YOURSELF OVER SMOKEY!" Luffy shouted at you as Kid was standing there with an amused look on his face. "Back down Strawhat.. If she wants to fight to the death.. She will get her wish!" Smoker said before standing up she wasn't an devil fruit user so his sword would be useless against her.

"Gum  Gum! Rocket!" Luffy flinged himself at you knocking you over onto the ground holding your arms down with his own arms. "Stop this! Your going die!" Luffy shouted The book fallen onto the ground as she stared at Luffy. "Get off. Let me finished him!" You pushed him off to stand back up again . Zoro and Brook show up after while also. "Y/N-San.. Not that spell." Brook was scared and worried about you now. "Get going. I'll deal with Y/N" Luffy said to Brook and Zoro. "Alright Luffy" They both said before running off.

The fight between you and Smoker ended up as an draw. Luffy used his powers to knock Smoker away from you Kid pick you then carried you out of the cave where the others was. "Y/N!" Chopper was in tears with the wounds and her body wasn't the same from using that spell. You was half dead. As Kid carried you back to strawhat's ship as he lay you down in the medical bed as Chopper and Law did the treatment on you.

~Three weeks later~

You woke up in the bed you been out for while since that day you did not remember what happen. Only thing you remember was fighting Smoker and black out after that. "My head.." You mutter before sitting up in the bed. You back on the ship you notices an sleeping Kid and Law asleep in the chairs.

You sudden started singing.

I know that you lied to me Using gentle words to shelter me Your words are like a dream But dreams could never fool meIt's not right to me
I acted so distant then Turned my back as you walked away But love was listening That you fight your battles far from meIt's not right to me
Your singing voice waken the two guys that was in the chair. They both stayed quite as they let you sing the song.

"Don't you worry 'cause I'll come back"I could hear you speaking As you walked to the door I acted strong to hide the pain When I turn back the pages
Crying might've been the answer  What if I'd shed my tears And begged you not to leave?But now I'm not afraid to do what's in my heart

Those thousand words Have never been spoken So far away I'm sending them to you Wherever you are Suspended on shiny wings
Kid and Law stared at each other then blushed at the song
Those thousand words Have never been spoken They'll cradle you Making all of your pain seem so far away And hold you forever

Sudden the door slammed open as it shown your captain and Chopper. "Y/N!" They both ran over to her then hugged her to death. "I'm sorry..." You whisper as your (H/C) covered your (E/C) as tears rolled down your face. "I should listen! I was just wanted protect everyone!" You  broke down crying as Law smiled at you. "Calm down. Your not dead.. But don't use that spell again." Law explained.

"Don't scare your future husband like that!" Kid growled at you as Law glared at Kid. "Who said you going married her?" He got into Kid's face. 'Not again! they do this all the time!' you sighed. The two started fighting over you. "GUYS!" You snapped at him as they both stared at you with an frown on their faces. "This getting old.." You mutter before getting out bed Chopper sad you should be fine as long you don't over do it.
"SHISHISHI! They both like Y/N!" Luffy laughed.

"CAPTAIN your not helping!" You shouted at him before blushing as Kid taken one side of you and Law taken the other side. Kid pulled you into his chest as Law hugged the back side of you. "G-Guys?" You stared at both before they both had dark grins on their faces. 'I'm not going walk tomorrow am I?' you thought before Kid dragged you away to another room as Law followed after you two.

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