Apples - Sanji x Reader

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It's was normal afternoon your only one with an large apple orchard in the island you get a lot of people here. Marines some time pirates if they did not destroy your trees as you finished baking an apple pie then placed on the window still to cool off. As you look out into the open sea you notices an pirate ship with an loin figurehead with an strawhat jolly roger you heard about them from the papers. "Strawhats pirates?" You asked yourself you wasn't sure how dangerous they're as you went back to your cleaning the house. The ship docked near the west side of the island. "We just getting supplies." Nami said as the crew walked off onto the island they did not want stay long because of the log pose will lose it way to the next island. Sanji was buying some food for the trip he wanted make this new apple dish he wanted the ladies to try but no one had good apples he was looking for. He walked over to one of the stands that was selling fish. "Excuse me? Do you any place that sells apples?" He asked.

"You should go visit Y/N's Apple orchard. She have the best one on the island!" The man explained with an smile. "Thank you!" As Sanji walked off he figure the apple orchard wasn't in town but on the outskirts of it. As he was walking he notices his captain running in the same direction Luffy pick up the scent of Y/N's Apple Pie. "Luffy! Wait!" Sanji shouted after his captain as he chased Luffy through the forest to an small house on top of an hill it's had alot of apple trees. "This must be the place." Sanji said. "FOOOOODDDD!" Luffy rushed over to the window as he fallen through the window with the pie in his hands then put in his mouth. This cause you to turned around to see an boy in strawhat eating your fresh baked pie. "HEY! That was cooling!" You shouted at him. "This sooo good!" He had his mouth full of the pie. Sanji twitched as his captain taken the young lady's pie. "LUFFY! YOU DUMBASS! YOU DON'T EAT THE LADY FOOD!" The cook smacked Luffy as he stared at you with hearts in his eyes.

"I'm deeply sorry about my captain! He goes crazy with food." Sanji explained with an smile. "Oh, It's find. I just letting it cool. But can I help you?" You asked. "Oh you must be the owner of the orchard? I wonder if I can buy some apples from you." He asked. "Oh sure you can!" You said grabbing your basket as she handed to him. "Go pick the best one." You said with an smile as Sanji nodded then heads out into the orchard to pick the apples from the trees. "Hey Lady! You make good pies! I would like you to join my crew!" Luffy grin at you. "I can't leave the village." You said as you finished cleaning the house now you needed make an other pie. "Why is that?" Luffy asked. "I grew up here. People love my apples. I can't leave my orchard.." You explained with an frown. "Take your orchard with you! Nami taken her Tangerines with her! You can do the same!" Luffy smiled at you. "Nami?" That name sounded familiar to you.


You and your mother traveled to the West Blue to visited Cocoyasi Village your mother would trade her apples for Tangerines. Your mother was close friends with  Bell-mere. You would played with Nami all the time when you visited them. You tell Nami you wanted be an great apple maker make different things with apples. Nami wanted make maps of the worlds.

~end of flashback~

"Luffy! Sanji!" An orange haired women came up to the tiny house that was filled with apples. Why did those look familiar to her? "Oh Nami!  I re crewed an new member!" Luffy laughed as he pointed at you. Your eyes widened at the older female. "NAMI?!" You called out to your childhood friend as Nami was shocked she did not think you was the same girl from her past. "Y/N!" She hugged you. "You know her?" Luffy asked as Sanji returned with the basket filled with apples. "Nami!" He was happy to see her. "You should join us! I would love have your apples trees on the ship!" She explained. "Y/N is going join us?!" Sanji was very happy about having another female on the ship. "I wasn't planning to become an pirate. But what the hell! I'll join you guys!" Luffy grin as you pack up your things even taken couple of your trees with you. You give your orchard to close friend in the village they said they'll take care of it.

As you arrived at the sunny you can't believe the crew cute little doctor. Walking and talking Skeleton who wanted see your panties. Nami kicked Brook in the head you laughed at the crazy crew. Sanji who was the cook love your apples the most thing he never had in while. Usopp was the great mark man. His stories was funny. Franky was new you never seen an robot before the rest of crew was fun also! "Hey Y/N! can you teach me your apple pie?" Sanji asked with an smile. "Sure Sanji!" You joined him the kitchen as you wrote down the pie recipe for him also.


Been two months since you joined the strawhats you outside checking on your apple trees you enjoy helping Sanji with the cooking you even had an crush on him. Even know he flirt with every women he sees. "Y/N-SWAN!" As Sanji founded you in between the apple and tangerines trees. "Oh, Hi Sanji" He  give you glass of apple juice that was form your own apples. "For you my dear." You take the  glass from him. "Thanks Sanji. Do you need help with dinner?" You asked. "Yes I would like you to help me Y/N" You cheeks turned light pink as you joined Sanji in the kitchen he notices the blush on your cheeks he founded it cute.

As you was peeling potatoes he keep watching you he put down his spoon then walked over to you then placed his arms around you. "Your doing good." He turned you around then placed an kiss on your lips you dropped the knife on the ground. "SANJI FOOD!" Luffy rushed inside only see Sanji kissing you. "AHHH SANJI KISSING Y/N!" Luffy was shocked. "He what?!" The whole crew came in from behind Luffy in shocked Robin and  Nami was smirking. Chopper was blushing as he looked away Brook was shocked himself also. "Oh the cook have an lover! Yohoho! how cute!" This made you look up as you notices the crew was staring at you and Sanji you blushed deeply as Sanji glared at them (beside Nami and Robin) "We'll finished this later.." He kissed you again before going back to his cooking

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