White Clouds - Smoker x Reader

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All you can do is run from everything you don't trust many people because of the devil fruit you ate. You ate an rare devil fruit call  wolf wolf fruit you can transform into an wolf and have werewolf powers also. As you ran through the dark forest reaching the edge of the forest that was looking over the seas also you had wolf ears and tail also your eyes was eyes of an wolf also. You notices an marine ship with G-5 on the front you back away into the forest grounds again she never trusted the marines. You growled under your breath you head back to your little house in the woods as night fallen you changed into your true form it's was an human like wolf with (H/C) far this time you like to haunt for your pray.

As you left your house looking for wild animals you never hurt humans even know the town people believe you attack random humans . That wasn't even you doing! as you gotten closer to your pray you smacked into an tall man with white hair he had two Cigars in his mouth. "Sir! I think that the wolf that everyone is talking about!" An young women with jet black hair explained. You back down as you growled you did not like anyone getting close to you. "She human." The man said. "She is?" The women asked. "Yes she an devil fruit user.." Smoker explained before staring at you. You blinked as you shifted back to your human form your (H/l) and (H/C) shined in the moonlight your (E/C) was bright also. her tail and ears twitched.

"If you're going kill me. Then do so! I have no reason to live!" You shouted. Smoker wasn't one for killing people unless they did something wrong. "I'm not here to kill you. Fact I was wonder if you would like to join me" He offer. "Join the marines? They hunt me down!" You shouted once more what can this guy for you anyway? Again it's was better staying here with those people who would chase you around the town. "I'm freak!" You started crying. "Freak? No.." He shown his own devil fruit powers. "Clouds?" You asked as you grabs the white smoke from the air itself. "I ate an devil fruit also. You no freak young lady." He explained.

The smoke was fluffy as clouds he gotten closer to you. As you started to growl. "We're not going hurt you." He pat your head as your tail started to move in happy way. "Come on." He takes your hand then leads you to the ship.


Two weeks since Smoker taken you in and made you part of his crew. You became close to your Vice Admiral.  Even Tashigi notices you had an crush on him by the way as your tail reacts to him. "You need tell him Y/N" Tashigi pushed you into Smoker's office. "Umm? Oh Y/N. I still had an report from you." Your tail started to wag. "Yes sir!" You give Smoker your report before you leave he grabs you by the wrist. "Wait.." He said before putting out his cigars. "Sir?" You stared him for moment. "Call me Smoker when we're alone.. And..." He lean into you then kissed you. "I love you Y/N." Your tail started to wag faster as your heart was racing. He love it when you act like an cute puppy. "I love you too, Smoker." You kissed him back.

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