Magical Girl - Law x Sailor Senshi (AU)

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A/N: I can't help it! I wanted do this one for while. it's crossover between Sailor Moon and One Piece.

"Y/N! Let go shopping!" An familiar cheerful voice as blonde women came running over to you. Along with Chibiusa who was tag with her also. "Morning Usagi! and Chibiusa also." You said with an smile.. You and other senshis knew each other for long time you see. Your an sailor senshi also an princess of stella kingdom. Your senshi name is Sailor Star. Since Usagi and Chibiusa discover your secret you guys been working together to save the earth from evil.

"Let go girls" You said before walking down the street you guys hang out and shop little bit until the sky turned dark for whatever reason there was new enemy appearing. As Usagi and Chibiusa transformed into Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon. You transformed into Sailor Star yourself before you can attack the enemy strange portal open up behind you and was dragged inside. "Y/N!" Chibi Moon shouted.


Been hour since you fallen through that strange portal you woke up inside an metal room? You wasn't sailor star no more fact your transformation disappeared when you landed. "Where am I? she asked. "On my ship." An male voice said who was sitting in an chair writing down things on some paper his desk was filled with paperwork. "We founded you in the middle of the sea." He explained before standing up to check you over. "You seem alright not hurt or harm." He explained.

"T-Thank you.. " As an small blush creepy on your cheeks. "What your name?" He asked. "It's Y/N" She said. "Y/N-ya get some rest I'll get you some food." With that he left the room.  Once he left the room you reached for your brooch (it's golden star shaped with gray jewel in the middle ) as you open it inside was the star crystal the crystal that been in your kingdom for years. It's was losing it shrine. "Usagi.. Chibiusa.. Everyone..." She was worried about her friends back in her world as Law returned to the room with an tray of food. "Oh never gotten your name" You said. Law placed the tray down. "It's Law." As he eyed the brooch that was in your hands.

You ate the yummy food that was cooked for you. "What is that thing?" He pointed at the brooch. "This? I had this for long time." She explained as she open the brooch inside was more beautiful jewel Law never seen before. "That very pretty..." He wanted take it from her for some reason he wasn't going steal some pretty girl's jewelry. He wanted to know more about this strange girl and that brooch of hers.


Two months since you fallen into this pirate world. Law decided to make you part of his crew still not knowing your secret. That changed when the same enemy appeared in this world also once the yellow sub docked  at an island to get supplies you and Law decided to stay behind to check over supplies they had. Sudden the sub started to rock cause you to lose your footing Law grab hold of you. You felt that energy it's was the same energy that bought you here you pulled away from Law's arms as you ran up to the deck of the ship.

Law followed you "Y/N-Ya!" He shouted at you before staring the strange enemy before him.

'I guess it time... I can't hide this no more...' You thought pulling the brooch from your pocket. "This be last time you drag me into strange portals! Star Crystal Power! Make-UP!" You transformed infront of Law who was shocked by this he did not think you had this type of power he was in awe with your outfit he smirked how short the skirt was the colors was very samiliar to his own colors. (Yellow and Gray) "This shocker Y/N-ya" He walked over to you.

"I wanted tell you for long time. I wasn't sure how you would taken it." You explained.

"Let see what you can do Y/N-Ya" He was ready to fight also but he wanted to see what this girl can do.

"R-Right." You summoned your star rod once you pointed at the enemy before you. "Starlight Blast!" The star started to glow then created clear orbs as it hit the monster before her. Leaving the monster in pain and wounded also. An portal appeared in the sky as Mercury appeared n ear the portal. "Usagi! We founded her!" She shouted. "Mercury!" You shouted you glad to see your friends again.

"I'll finished it." With that Law jumped at the monster slicing through it with his katana killing it off. "Do you need to leave Y/N-ya?" He grabs you then pulled you into his arms sudden your sailor senshi outfit transformed into an long cream yellow grown with white long bow in the back with an star mark on your forehead. "You keep interesting me.." He whisper before kissing you.

"AWWWW! I wish I had an good - looking guy!" Venus frowned.

"Y/N is lucky!" Mars was jealous.

"She lucky as me and Momo!" Usagi was happy.

"Only if she had an key like me.. She can come back and visit us." Chibiusa did not want you to leave.

"I'll do this once. Since she is one of us.." Pluto pulled one of her time keys then throws at you. "Just use when you want return to us." She said.

You catches the key with an tears. "Thank you everyone!" You said waving as the portal vanished leaving you and Law on the deck. "You have strange group of friends." Law teased.

"Yeah they're but they're great people." You said with an smile.

_Bonus Ending_

You are four month pregnant with Law's child worried about the bay might have the same thing that Law had when he was child. Law had you check up every two weeks to make sure everything was normal.

"Your still good Y/N-ya" He rested his head on your stomach as he rubbed your stomach.

"I hope so Law." You said staring into the sky she wanted visit her friends and tell them but she will wait until the baby born. Few months later you give birth to an baby girl who you guys named Lami. Law wanted to name her after his last sister that died from the Amber lead.

"She beautiful" Law checked out the baby to make sure she was alright even checked you out to make sure you was alright also. After few minutes he placed the baby girl into your arms. "Once I'm healed I'm going take a trip to my world and show my friends." She explained Law would like that himself.

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