Strawhats x Reader x Law

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You sitting in your loco library to study on your homework for history as you got up to find an book on world history. You discover this very old book that don't have an title you grab the book off the bookcase the book was very old the pages was fallen out of the book also. Who would give this old thing to the library as you founded the book for your paper then heads back to the table you was studying at. As she listen to music from your ipod music make you study better then having an quietness as you started on the paper you notices the old book was glowing you removed your earbuds then stared at the old book sudden your mind was linked to another voice.

A/N: This how it works. Words are the mind link. Words are normal talking.

"Hello?" you answer "Oh you answered" An women voice answer. "Who is this?" you asked. "My name is Robin. Nico Robin. You're?" She asked. "My name is Y/N" You answer back why was Robin speaking to her? she stared down at the book  for moment what is this book? "H-How are you talking to me?" You asked. "I founded this very old book with no title.. I just started to read it then it started to glow that how I'm talking to you now." She explained. "This book on how to connect someone from another world? If I'm reading this right You should have an twin book like it." Robin explained she was right! she had the same book! "I do have the same book Robin.." Robin giggled before smiling. "Can you cross into our world?" She asked. "I think I can Robin give me moment to get my things together.." With that you cut off the mind link taken the books with you as you check them out beside the old book they just give you that old thing.

After twenty minutes arriving home she heads up stairs to her room as she pack up her things into an large bag you packed your clothes your books and your computer even know that might be useless in that world you even taken your phone with her. You grabs her shampoo and other things as she stared at the glowing book as she open the book. Sudden you was wrapped in an light then vanished from your own room appearing in the skies the Sunny was blew you like 20 feet in the air! "AHHHHH!" You screamed as you started fallen from the skies then landed on someone's back. The poor guy you landed on was Surgeon of Death. He did not look happy about you fallen on him. "AH I'm sorry!" You got off of him then helped him up.

"Next time you fall from the sky how about little warning!" He shouted at her as he blinked wait.. fallen from the skies?! who is this girl? "Oh your here" Robin walked out of the cabin with an smile. Law stared at Robin. "Who this girl?" He asked rubbing his back. "She from another world. Don't worried she not going harm anyone." She explained as the rest of the crew came outside to see what was going on Nami remember Robin reading an strange book but where did this girl came from? Sanji was going love crazy about the new girl. "My name is Y/N.." As you give out your name to the crew. "I'm Monkey D. Luffy! I'm going be the king of the pirates!" The strawhat grin with an childish smile on his face.

"I'm Nami, it's nice meet you." As Orange haired women give an smile. "The guy you fallen on is Law." Robin giggled as Law was still annoyed about that. "Hehe I'm sorry!" Law glared at you before mutter something then walked away. "Our new crew mate?!" Luffy wanted you to join his join Robin can't make that happen but if Y/N decides to join them it was going be fun with her around. "Sure I would love join you Luffy!" With an smile.


Been two weeks since you fallen from the sky into the One Piece World everything was normal for you Luffy likes the stuff you bought with you. Mostly your phone he love the games on it. Franky and Uospp was more interested in your computer. Chopper was enjoying the sweets you had with you and Sanji was in love your cookbooks. As you sat in lawn chair with an medical book in your hands you was planning take medical school after you finished with high school. Law was interested in you now he walked over to you staring down at the strange medical book he never seen before. "Coronary Artery Disease?" He asked before you look up at him. "Uh. It's about the heart Law.. I want be an Heart Surgeon.." You finally admit your own goal with an blush. "Interesting.." He sat down next to you.

"Heart Surgeon?!" Luffy jumped up and down at the fact that Y/N wanted be an doctor like Chopper. "My family been doctors and nurse for ages. I guess I want take after them." You explained as Chopper climbed into your lap as he stared at the book also. "Can I read this also?!" He asked. "Yes Chopper you can." As you handed him the book he stared down at the book that was in his hands. You did not have the words to tell them that you have Heart Disease you had five bypasses all ready. You born with Congenital heart defects you wanted to use your life and time studying on the heart.

"Oh! Y/N! can I do an check up on you?" Chopper asked this made her pale in the face if he checks her out he going discover her Disease.  "Y/N?" He asked not worried you was shaking like an leaf. "I-I..." Sudden there was an sharp pain in your chest that cause you to grip your chest. "Y/N" Chopper shouted before dropping the book then ran over to her before he can check her out she passed out on the lawn. "Y/N! We need a doctor!" Chopper started to panic as he ran cross the lawn. "YOU ARE THE DOCTOR!" Usopp shouted at him. "I'll check her out." Law pick you up then carried you to the medical bay.

As Law checked you out he frowned as Chopper stared at him. "You notice it also?" He asked. "Yes I  did Doctor-ya." Her heart wasn't in the best shape why did she tell them? As you woke up on the bed you had an worried Law staring down at you. "Why did you hide this Y/N-ya?" He asked as you frowned. "I did not want worried anyone with it.. I was born like that... I had five bypasses to save my life.." You explained with an frown. "You should told me or Chopper! What would happen if you die?!" He shouted at her. "Why do you care if I die or not!" He growled before pinning you to the bed. "L-Law Let me go!" You try to get free. "I love you too damn much have you die on me!" He admit your cheeks turned light pink he pulled you up as he pulled you into his arms. Then sudden you felt an empty spot where your heart would been. "HEY!" You shouted as Law held your heart in his hands.

"I'm going study on this." He smirked "N-No! Give it back!" He try to reach for your own heart that was in an clear box. "I see metal rods in the heart." He poked the heart. "DON'T POKE IT! DON'T REMOVE THOSE I'LL DIE WITHOUT THEM!" You shouted. "I can fix it for you my love." He leads into you then kissed you on the lips that man taken your heart since that day.

~Bonus Ending~

Law still had your heart he wasn't planning to give it back until he can fine an cure. "COME ON LAW! I need my heart!" You shouted as an child would to  their parents. "Not happening Y/N-ya.." He smirked. "Damn you Law!" You growled as he placed the heart on the desk he grabs you then pulled you into his chest. "You can have my heart." He whisper before you lean against him listening to his heart beat. He sat back down with you in his arms. He wasn't going give up on you also.

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