For Real?! - Kid x Reader

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You just finished collecting pictures of Kid from random site you like those pictures you giggled at the picture of Kid asleep on the couch that one was sooo cute! "He look so peaceful!" You  giggled as you added to your folder on your computer. As you finished you decided to read little bit of the manga you reading until your computer crashed. "HEY! I was reading that! fucking computer!" You growled yes you had a temper at times you close your laptop you stared at the clock it's was 5PM you decided to take nap before dinner. As you drifted off to sleep.

"Oi! Lady!" An annoyed voice made you wake up you wanted asleep more but this person kept shaking your shoulder.

"I'm trying to sleep!" You shouted thinking it you was your brother or sister.

"I'm sorry sleeping beauty!" He grabs you by the ankles then dragged you out of the bed onto the ground. You groaned in pain. "HEY! WHAT IS ---" Your eyes shifted up to the guy who woke up. 'WHAT THE?!' "Good I have you wake now! Where am I?" He asked he wasn't missing his left arm fact this was before the two year time skip.

"Ummm.." You was speechless Kid had an annoyed look on his face. "ANSWER ME!" He shouted at you. "C/N" (Country Name) you answer him "C/N? I never heard of it." He crossed his arms over his chest he was fighting marines with Law and Luffy before he vanished and appeared here. "Yeah you wouldn't. This not part of your world.." You explained before staring starin gat your laptop.

"How can I get back?" He asked you taken interest in you now. "Give me second.." You said going to your computer as she you pulled out the manga Kid wasn't any of the panels. "You need entered  here in this panel" You pointed out. "What your name?" He asked. "Y/N. It's nice meet you Kid." He blinked she had know him he smirked before grabbing you.

"Your coming with me. Your joining my crew." He said as you stared at him. "N-No.. I'm not fighter. I never fight in my life! I know you hate weak people." You explained he stared at you again. Yes he hated weak people you was different case. "I'll train you. Your coming." He placed his hand on the screen as he was pulled through the screen with you in his arms. As you appeared in the panel with the scene between the three captains and marines. "I would get out the way Y/N" He asked as he started using his powers on the marines weapons. "Yes captain." As you moved away this was start of your new life now.

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