Corazon x Reader

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You been on the run from the marines fact you did not like them you never an pirate fact you just an thrift that would steal from others. The damn marines thought you was pirate you just taken some bread since you was hungry you are also homeless you live small house on the outskirts of the island as you slipped through the alleyway as the marines ran passed you. "Damn them right!" You mutter before walking out of the alleyway on the other side as you bumped into an child who had white patches on his body. The child stared at you behind you covered in dirt and blood your clothes was torn in places you can see your bra and your panties also. He blushed at the appearances. "Law!" An voice called out to the small boy as you ran away from the boy heading into the forest grounds. "Wait!" Law sighed as Corazon came up to him. "Hmmm?" He notices an figure running through the forest grounds he remember hearing about an thrift that taken some bread back in town. "We need go after her." Law asked.

"Why? she just an dirty food thrift.." Corazon did not understand why they needed go after you. "She have the same type of ill's as me.. She had white patches on her also..." Law gripped Corazon's hand this made the tall man ran after you into the forest grounds with Law with him. As you returned to your house you live alone since your family was killed by this White Lead ill's you only one that got away from the nightmares you lived this long you patches on your arms and legs even on your face same as that boy. As Corazon and Law approached your house it's wasn't nice looking place fact it look like crappy place two guys walked over to the window to see you standing in the mirror with the white patches on your body.

You started crying she did not want live like this no more you dream of finding an cure for this damn ill's no there was no luck. No one will not take her in you started throwing things around breaking things through the house. "I wish I would just die!" You shouted Law gripped the silt of the window as he glared at you. "Give up on your life?!" He shouted Corazon was shocked he was about to grab the little boy before you stared up at the window. "What life? You're the same as me.." You pointed out. "Yeah! So what?!" He was getting annoyed with this girl. "Law that enough." Corazon wasn't going take it no more. "Shut up Corazon! You pose be helping me! Why can't you help her also!" He pouted. "T-This guy really helping you?" You asked. "Yes we're searching for an devil fruit. But there is only one.." Corazon explained. 

"You must be talking about the Op Op fruit? I heard about it myself." You explained as you grabs an book on devil fruit. "This fruit can cure anything. If you can find it." You explained. "Then Help us!" Law shouted with an blush on his face. "Put some clothes on..." He hide his face in Corazon's shirt. You blushed as you grabs some clothes. "Wait..." Corazon remove his shirt then handed to you. "Take this. I'll buy you some new clothes." He explained as you blushed taken his shirt as you slipped on the over size shirt  this shirt look like you not wearing anything under it. "Come on.. What your name? I'm Corazon. This Law" As you blushed then smiled. "Y/N" As you three walked out of the house together.

Three weeks later you learned about Law's story and Corazon's past also. You did not know what to say. You even have feelings for Corazon even know his clumsiness was something you love about him you shake your head when you would fall over for no reason. "Hey Clumsy!" You shouted at him. Law rolled his eyes before jumping in your arms as you catch him. "Mine" He clinged to you. "Come on Law you too young for her~" Corazon teased him. "You too old for her!" Law teased back fact you only nineteen year old. "Oh Law stop being jealous." You kissed his cheek before placing him down on the ground. "Did you figure out where the fruit is?" You asked. "I do." He said with an grin on his face. "Good give to Law." You pointed at the child. "W-What about you?!" Corazon did not want lose you also fact he was scared that you would die.

"Law is child. He needs to live." You explained with an frown. "Law can you excuse us." Corazon grabs your hand then heads away from Law as he stared at you. "You're closer to death then he is." He whisper. "I know that! I don't care about myself! I just want Law to live!" You pouted he grabs you then pulled you into his chest. "C-Corazon!" He placed his colored lips on your this cause your heart to race and your cheeks to turn red. "I love you and Law.. I don't want lose you both..." He kissed you again Law was watching the whole thing with an blush on his face. "GET ROOM!" He shouted before turning away.

You and Corazon started laughing as you traveled through the coldness of the area. You held on to Law to keep him from getting cold been three months since the day you admit your feelings to him. Now you had an other secret you want share with him. You're pregnant with Corazon's child. You haven't gotten the time to tell him. As you watches Corazon inside this bar to fight with some pirates he ran out with the fruit in his hands smiling like an moron he was. "Tell me why you love this dork?" Law asked. "Your guess is good as mine Law." You started giggling Corazon came running over shoved the fruit down Law's mouth. "CORAZON don't force it down his mouth!" You shouted "Eat it!" He put pushing the fruit down Law's mouth until he swallowed it. "WHAT THE HELL CORAZON! YOU MOST KILL ME!" Law shouted at him.

You started laughing again. "Let go" You grabs Corazon's head as they returned to home. Weeks passed you sat there with an dull look on your face yes that asshole Doflamingo killed your lover. Law had you hide the chest with him he notices your stomach was bigger the normal he stared at you. "Y-Y/N... Are you..." You cut off Law as you open the chest she carried Law in your arms as far you can take him before his devil fruit powers vanished from you and Law. "I never told him... I was going too..." Law stared at you before grabbing your hand. "Come on. I'll take care you now." He wanted be their for you as you was for him.

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