Kid x Fairy! Reader

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Kid's pirates landed at some weird island in New World (this before Kid lost his arm) this island look like it did not have much on it fact it did not like it had an town in it. It's was quite and filled with a lot of trees. "Shitty island.. Ugh we need supplies also." Kid wasn't happy as Killer placed his hand on his shoulder. "We'll search for something." With that Killer left with the crew into the forest. Meanwhile you flying through the forest your clear white wings look like glass flicked against the wind as you crashed into tall blond man with an blue strapped  mark on. "I'm sorry Sir!" You stared at him you can see through his mask you was tiny to see anything through those holes. Killer was shocked to see an small creature he pick up the tiny creature into his hands. "What are you?" He asked. "Me? I'm fairy!" You explained with an smile. "A fairy?! they're real?!" Killer was very shocked he thought that fairies was just stories.

Her (h/l) and (h/c) was strange also even her bright (e/c) was different then normal humans she was dressed in green left dress with flowers on it. She had pointy ears. She was indeed an fairy! "Umm. Do you good place to get food or anything?" He asked. "I do but it's all fruit." You explained. "That fine anything would do." Killer explained as he placed the fairy on his shoulder as you showed the way to the fruit trees. The crew pick up the fruit that was ready. "Can you come back with us?" Killer asked. "I can.. What your name?" You asked. "Killer. You are?" He asked. "Y/N." You answer back. As the crew returned to the ship with angry Kid all they founded was fruit no meat or anything. "UGH! fine take it to the kitchen!" He shouted as you hide behind Killer's long hair the red head scares you with his anger problems.

"He not going kill you or anything. Once you get to know him he not bad person. He dose have anger issues. I'm sorry about that Y/N" Killer explained. "He an hot head?" You giggled. "Who hot head Killer?" Kid heard an small voice coming from Killer. You covered your mouth as Kid started to play with Killer's hair as he discover you. "Who this? little butterfly?" He grabs you into his hand as you sat there in the middle of his hand staring at him. "What you never seen an human before?" He smirked. "I'm not butterfly! I'm fairy!" You shouted at him. "Fairy?" Kid was now interesting in you. "Kid don't hurt her." Killer asked. "Hurt her? No she going join my crew." he placed her in small glass box. "HEY!" you banged on the glass box. "I'm not a pet!" You shouted fact you was fairy princess your only one that can transform into an life size fairy with your magic.

"Kid! don't do that!" Killer open the box as he pick you up. "Whatever! you take care of her!" He walked off you stared at Killer. "Sorry.." He sighed as he placed you down on dresser. "No it fine." You said with an frown.

Been months since you became part of the Kid pirates you never shown your true form to anyone. You started to have feelings for Kid also. Killer notices it also he never thought an fairy would fall in love with an human not any human Kid all people.  You flew through the hallways of the ship as you flew into Kid's chest. "Y/N... you need stop doing that." He catch you from fallen onto the ground. Was he being sweet? your (e/c) stared at him sudden you came to his lips then kissed him. Kid was shocked what just happen then sudden you glowed as you gotten bigger  you only reached Kid's chest your wings was more beautiful thing even the leaf dress was more shorter and your ears still pointy. "Oh dear!" You back away from Kid. "Y-You can change your size?!" He asked. "Yes I can.. I'm Fairy Princess. I'm only one that can." You explained. "I thought there was something different about you." He pulled you into him as he kissed you deeply on the lips.

"I love you Kid." With that you blushed.

"I love you too. I had for while." He whisper with an smirk before taken you back to his room.

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