Happy Birthday Law! Law x Reader

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A/N: Happy birthday to my favorite one piece character <3

Hoshi: Cora... The cake.. and you...

Law: .....

Corazon: Hot hot! -trips over with the cake in his hands-

Hoshi: Baka! -grabs the cake- There too many candles on it!

Corazon: Hahah sorry about that Hoshi!

Law: He going burn down the house...


You been with the Heart pirates since the day that Law saved you from group of pirates he saved you and your family you very grateful for him and his crew. In few months you grew to fall in love with your captain. But you scared of rejecting you kept your feelings to yourself until today. October 6th today was your captain's birthday. The crew wanted throw an party they send you and Law out on the island so they can get the ship ready Law had an annoyed look on his face why did his crew pushed him out of the ship for? not complaining he wanted some time with you anyway. You know about his back story how he was close to Corazon you wished you would meet that guy he saved him from ill's that wasn't curable. Now you wanted study on  medical things also you never told your captain about that. As he gripped your hand as you two walked through the town together.

"Your quite Y/N-ya" He was worried normally you hyper and talkable all the time at times you should get on his nerves. But he enjoy your company alot fact your only one that saw his soft side no else knew about. "Umm? Just just thinking to myself." You said before passing through the shops as you spotted something inside one of the shops. "Can you wait out here for second?" You asked as Law nodded his head before going inside the shop you spotted an heart pendent that was in half it's was couple pendent it was perfect! you bought the pendent you bought it then had it wrapped also but before you had an wrapped you taken the other half then placed around your neck you wrote down an note telling him you had the other half and small note on it also. You smiled before slipping the small box into your bag then left the shop.

"Let some supplies and we can go back to the ship" He said taken your hand as you guys bought supplies for the ship.

Back on the ship Shachi and Penguin was busy putting up party stuff all over the place. Jean was baking the cake even know you had better baking skills then he did. He did the best he did by following your notes you left him. "Come on! They should be returning any time now!" Ikkaku said with an frown. "We're most done!" Penguin said as he put up the last thing. They heard the door open Ikkaku turned off the lights as the crew hide. "Why is it dark in here?" Law asked. You just giggled as Shachi turned on the lights yelled. 'Happy Birthday!' Law was shocked by this he smirked for moment then smiled. "You on this was you?" He asked you. "Yes I was captain." He smirked even more at you as you walked off to drop off his gift in his office you did not want him opening it with the others around.

As the party started you haven't left your room for some reason you did not want join them. You wanted tell your captain how you felt about him. "Ugh this hard!" You mutter Law was looking for you as he checked ever room until he reached his office he notices an wrapped up box on his desk. You scared that he wouldn't not like the gift you pick out. "I should gotten him something else" You pulled the other half of the pendent from under her your shirt. He unwrapped the gift as he open the box inside was an heart pendent that was missing the other half. He was going ask where the other half was he notices note inside the box. He pick up. 'Happy Birthday Law. I have the other half of the pendent. It's an love pendent. I hope you accept this as much I love you.. Signed Y/N' He smirked he knew she had feeling for him for long time.

"Y/N..." He blushed before going running out his room he figure you in your room he open the door to your room as he notices you sitting on the bed. "C-Captain?!" You shutter out. He shut the door behind him as he lock it also. "Y/N-ya... Thank you for the gift..." He gotten closer to you as his lips touched your. "I love you too Y/N.." He pushed her down into the bed he started to remove your clothes that night was best birthday he had.

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