Ace x Reader - I don't belong here

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Your POV

Last thing you remember was watching One Piece (Your on the Alabasta Arc) then your screen crashed sudden who was blind by this white light. Then you vanished inside your own computer in the middle of the Alabasta desert. The heat of the desert waken up from your nap. Dressed in  PJ's bottoms and long sleeve shirt (It's middle of winter in your world) the heat was too much for you as she about to come out of your hiding spot.  You spotted an familiar group walking this way your eyes widened  thinking this was an dream or something it's seem like they're going take an rest for the night. 'I can't leave like this' you thought as the night sky taken over the desert you went from hot to very cold you stayed behind the large rock not knowing someone saw you.

As foot steps approached you you froze for moment as an tall man with an orange cowboy hat stared down at you with an grin on his face. "Are you still hiding?" He asked cause you to jump back as she notices the group behind him staring at her also. "S-Sorry I-I" Vivi give an smile "It's alright you can join us." The Princess invited the strange girl into the group. "T-Thank you!" As you walked out from your hiding place joining the group at the camp site.

Ace's POV

As I watched the (H/C) female walked away with Vivi he did not know why she was different then the other he meet before. There was something odd about her the way she was dressed she wasn't dressed for this type of trip. As I followed the group back to the camp site he wanted to know more about this strange beauty. As I sat down next to her. "Are you from around here?" I asked. "No I'm not.. It's kind of long story..." She explained with an blush on her face. Her blushing  made her even cuter! "I see. What your name?" He asked. "It's Y/N" As I grabbed some food and give some to Y/N. "It's nice meet you. I'm Ace." With that everyone ate their food.

Your POV

As you ate your food you can't help see how good looking Ace was up close then on your own computer screen. As she stared down at the ground she wonder if she can travel with this group for while until you can figure out what to do. "Vivi? I can travel with you guys?" You asked as Vivi nodded her head with an smile "You can Y/N!" With that everyone went to sleep all but you you can't sleep you stayed up to star glaze. "I wonder if I'll return to my world again." You mutter to yourself not notice someone hear you. "Your world?" That voice made you jump as you turned to face Ace who was standing next to you. "Your from another world?!" He was very happy about that for some reason.

"Yeah I'm.. different world then this one." Not notice that Luffy how standing on the other side of you. "TELL ME MORE!" The hyper childish captain. You giggled at the two brothers as you told them about your world how everything is storyline between Luffy and his journey to fine One Piece. "YOU NEED JOIN MY CREW Y/N!" Luffy really want you on his team Ace frowned as he pulled you into his arms. "She going join me and Whitebeard Pirates." You blushed at the two brothers fighting over you. "I-I Never said I was going join any one crew!" You shouted as you pulled away from Ace's grip.

Two brothers stared at each other then back you with smirks. "You have until we reach Yuba tell us your answer Y/N!" They both said together. This wasn't good at least it'll give her some time to think about. "Fine! Let sleep for now." You said with an sigh before heading to girl's tent then fall asleep. By the next morning Sanji was cooking fact the perv cook like having you around the girl's was packing up their things for the long trip after everyone ate they started off on their quest again. They walked through the hot desert you was dying in the clothes you was wearing Chopper was being pulled by Zoro. The heat was getting to you also as you weaved back and foreword. 'THAT IT!' you thought removed your long sleeved shirt reliving your F/C Bra under it. This cause Ace to stay at you with an blush cross his face.

Even Sanji was having an nosebleed. "STOP STARING! I CAN'T HELP IT" You shouted at the two guys Luffy was laughing.  Nami and Vivi shake their heads. "I might have some clothes.." Vivi said reaching into her bag as she pulled out an long light blue cover as she handed to you. "Thanks Vivi.." As you put it on that was much better. This did not cause Ace to stop staring at you. You blushed once more as the sky turned into night again at last it's was cooling down now. "Finally" You said as sitting down in the sand you figure they're close to Yuba. Ace will be leaving soon you need make an choice who you want stay with. Again you really did not belong here.

As everyone went to sleep you try to sleep but you had an hard time. After few minutes you walked out of the tent. "What can I do? I don't belong here.. I can't join anyone crew..." As tears came down your face how much you wanted to stay you need fine away back to your world. You sat down in the sand staring into the sky the stars was very pretty. As you felt an pair of arms wrapped around you even an finger wiping your tears. "Don't cry. I heard everything.. I did not think about that.." In whisper as you buried your face into his chest. "I'm sorry.." Ace rubbed your back as he kept you close to him. "No it's fine." You fallen asleep in his arms. By the next morning you still in Ace's arms with an blush on your face.

"I made up my mind.. I'm going stay with Luffy and his crew. I don't want --" You was cut off as Ace's lips touched your the kiss was sweet and loving. This was your first kiss. As Ace pulled away. "That fine." With he help you help then heads to the camp site Luffy had an jealous look on his face. "OI! what you doing with Y/N! I told you she going join me!" He shouted at Ace as Ace laughed. "She made up her mind. She going join you Luffy." With Ace's answer this cause the younger boy to hug you.

After the short journey. It's turns out the person that Ace was after was lying to him. This where he had to take his leave. "Here" He handed Luffy an piece of paper. "That will reunited us one day.. As for you.. Y/N" He walked close to you as he whispered into your ear. "Next time we meet. I'll make you mine women." He kissed you once more before walking away.

After the adventures in Alabasta and Skypia even the events in Water Seven. Everything was great and fun! You forgot about your world for once. Those words that Ace promise you made you blush deeply. Now strawhats are at Sabaody Archipelago as everyone went on their own. You ended up at the Human Auction House upon entering the place there was alot of people sitting in the chairs. Half of them was nobles you knew Camie was here since she was kidnap by trades you hated this arc because of that reason. As you notices two of the Supernovas crews. Kid pirates and Heart pirates she knew the event here was going happen soon. You decided to watch from the back of the place 'Luffy you going do something stupid are you?' with an crazy thoughts in your mind you knew what was going happen.

As you waited for the event to start your mind went back what happen on Thriller Bark. Even Luffy give you Ace's card that was still burning. She had an feeling he was going die she did not want think that! soon s Luffy crashed the party the fight being once everyone clear out the area that left you standing there as you watch your crew fight the guards. You don't have much of an fighting skills you good with your hands and feet.

You did not want stay here no more deeply you wanted go save Ace as you ran out of the building. "Follow Her" Law's voice told Penguin and Shachi as the two guys ran after you. It's seem like the captain of the Heart Pirates had interest in you.

A/N - I might make an part 2. Only with Law. I hope you guys enjoy this~

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