Toy Figure! Law and Kid x Reader (Lemon)

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A/N: Guess who is back! I'll make more stories soon. I'm deeply sorry for not updating in while. I had no mood to write for while...

You just your new one piece figure, it was Eustass kid you smiled at the new figure a paper of paper dropped from in between the stand. You open it 'This figure is magical. If you want to see. Wait until the new moon. Full Moon would be more fun' you blinked what is that supposed to mean? You just shake it off as you placed the note on your desk tonight was the new moon you decided to watch more One Piece. As night fell you fell asleep in the middle of the ep you felt someone poking your arm. It was tiny but still sharp like a small tiny dagger. You thought it was your cat. "Not right now snowbell" The unknown person that was poking you. "I'm not snowbell" It was deep man's voice but it did sound familiar to you. As you open your eyes you notice the figure of Kid you bought just walking around this freak you out before falling out of the chair.

"Are you alright lady?!" He asked with a frown on his face. "Uh... Why.. How.." You are speechless about what is going on right now. "Did you read the note? I came with?" he asked. "I-I did.. I thought it was a prank!" You said with a frown. "Nope, I was created by a magical toy maker. He gives power to us to walk with owners. But he said if the figure falls in love with their human owner the curse will be broken." He explained as he climbed into her hand. "I failed so many times to find true love. Many of my owners would return me. I have a temper and I like to fight alot." He explained with a frown. "You don't seem like you have a temper." You said. "Oh I remember something. I bought Law from the same place. But he never came to life like you." Kid stared at the law figure who was sitting on her desk.

"He is different; he only appears in Full Moon. Are you around?" He asked. "No, I go to an Wiccan meeting every Full Moon." You explained. "Wiccan?" He asked. "I'm a witch. I can do spells and other things also. That's why I order you and Law. I thought the spell was a little fishy. I wasn't sure if it was real or not." You explained with a frown. "I see, Do you have a meeting this full moon?" He asked. "Not lucky enough not until October 31st.. It's Halloween that day." you explained with a smile. "I'll be damned if he takes you from me." He growled under his breath you giggled. "Are you laughing?" He asked. "You're cute!" you placed her finger on his cheek with a smile. He blushed. "Stop touching me women!" He glared at you.

"Hehe" you giggled again. He glared at you before jumping onto the glass of water he used the straw to drink from the glass. "That mine!" You shouted. "Not any more princess." He smirked at at you knew this was going to be a long night.

~By the Next Morning~

Everything was normal again Kid was back being a figure toy you wanted to say it was a dream or something. "I wanted to say it was a dream.. But that was no dream..." You mutter as you got ready for school as you left the house heading to your loco high school as the days passed night was the full moon she wanted to know why the note said 'Full Moon would be more fun' as you started watching one piece again it was 11PM. Sudden Kid and Law grew into life size people knocking everything over on her deck. "WHAT THE HELL?!" You shouted before falling out of your chair again. "I thought you guys were just toys! Since you can become human?!" You shouted in a shocked voice and both guys started at you.

"It's nice to meet you Y/N-ya." Law removed himself from the desk Kid did the same. "Your more beautiful close up Y/N" Law smirked before pulling you into his arms. 'Was this for real?!' you thought everything about him was real, his touch, his scent. Even his hair, his clothes. Same with Kid everything about him was real also. "I'm not dreaming?" You asked "No you're not" Both guys pushed you into the bed. Your (E/C) stared at both of them as Law started to remove your clothes leaving you in your bra and underwear. "Back off Law!" Kid growled before pushing Law out of the way Kid started kissing you using his tongue you mourn at Kid's touch as he removed your bra as he played with your breast Law went to your panties as he removed them then started fingering you. "G-Guys!" You warned before Kid licked your neck leaving marks on your neck. Law placed a second finger into your womanhood, their manhoods was getting hard in their pants. "Fuck I can't take it no more!" Kid removed his pants as his friend was hard and large. "For a toy figure you have a large dick." You teased. "Quite you." Kid placed his dick in front of you as you placed in your mouth as you licked his dick as you played with his balls. "Guh. Don't tease me.." Kid mutter as Law smirked before removing his own pants he placed his dick into you.

"LAW!" You mourn you ached your back at the pain. "It's going to feel good in the moment," He said. "He started to trusted you "Law! Kid!" You mourn their names as Kid made his way to your backside. "That right baby say our names." They both said together. "I'm going too! KID! LAW!" They both were reaching their climax. "Go head." Law wanted you to cum on him. That when all three of you cum. "Your both of ours," They said together before crawling into bed with you then falling asleep.

By the next morning you notice Kid and Law wasn't returned to their figure forms., That means the curse was broken? "Law? Kid?" You woke them up as they stared at you. "Why are you still life size?" She asked. "Huh?" Law and Kid stared down at themselves. "You must have broken the curse Y/N" Kid said with a smirk. "This is perfect so we can stay together now." Law smirked, pulling you into his arms. "I agree with Law.." Kid wrapped his arms around you before kissing your neck Law kissed your lips this started around two for the morning.

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