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3. person

''Bunch of stupid, old idiots, taking me for a joke,'' grunted Taehyung, gathering the scattered papers in front of him, watching with distaste the aristocrats leaving the room in a hurry.

Their attempts of controlling him and his decisions were quite funny at first, however, it was now getting old and Taehyung wanted nothing more but to wring their necks one by one.

Glancing to his side, he watched as Seokjin gathered his things quietly, not sparing the younger a single glance. Clearing his throat, Taehyung was, much to his own surprise, feeling awkward next to his older friend.

''Have you heard anything about the dam reparations?'' he asked Seokjin before glancing out the ginormous window, the thunderstorm outside shaking with the entire castle. Seokjin looked up at Taehyung before glancing out the window, sighing.

''No, it's still being postponed due to the lack of financial support for the project,'' Taehyung nodded quietly, watching as the older stuffed bunch of papers into his bag. Sighing, he looked outside the window again, thinking.

It was early evening already and it hasn't stopped raining since morning. He could only imagine the disasters around the kingdom after so much rain. Natural disasters equaled much more work for him, the thought already making his head hurt.

Rubbing his temples in distaste he closed his eyes. Nothing but the shuffling of papers and the booming storm outside could be heard in the conference room.

He knew tomorrow would be a difficult day. And for that he knew, he needed Chaeyoung.

Opening his eyes he glanced at Seokjin who was already walking towards the doors.

''On your way back, please stop by Yeonjun, tell him to call for Chaeyoung tonight,'' he muttered quietly, straightening up in his chair, resuming cleaning up the messy table.

Seokjin stopped in his tracks, looking back at the younger oddly.

Did he just say please?

''That's not happening,'' griped Seokjin, making Taehyung look up at him with one eyebrow up.

''Excuse me?'' standing his ground, Seokjin turned back around to face the younger, gripping the sling of his bag while looking at him blankly.

''You heard me. Not happening tonight.'' Taehyung sighed bitterly, rolling his eyes.

''And why is that?'' he grunted, crossing his arms on his chest as he leaned back, watching the older challengingly.

He didn't want to get into any more arguments with Seokjin, the actual opposite actually, he was over their arguments by now and he wanted nothing more than to finally make up. But sometimes the older was making it much more difficult.

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