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A child with plushies

"Wait a minute!! You're still a virgin?!" the girls gasped in choir, making me quickly bow down my head with a deep blush

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"Wait a minute!! You're still a virgin?!" the girls gasped in choir, making me quickly bow down my head with a deep blush. Hearing it from them made it even more embarrassing.

"Well I guess it's not that surprising since you're still 19." said Jennie with a sympathetic smile as she stroked my back, scooting closer to me on the fluffy carpet.

It's already my second day here in the palace and me and some other girls just returned from breakfast a while ago. We were now seated around the small coffee table in the middle of the Bride's chamber, few of them scattered around the massive couch as we led a small conversation. And somehow we ended up talking about my nonexistent sex life.

"That's true. It's really unusual for a girl in her 19 to be already a part of the palace's harem. Poor girl." said Tzuyu, receiving few subtle glares from the girls around me.

"Is it that bad?" I muttered, looking down at the table in front of me with Jennie giving me a gentle squeeze on my shoulder.

"It's not bad..."she trailed off, trying to think of some supportive words.

"It just may get you a little...overwhelmed, since it's going to be your first time." finished Jisoo instead of her, making me look up at her with raised eyebrow.

"Overwhelmed?" she nervously looked around the room, contemplating on what to say which made me a little restless. She looked back at me with a small smile before shaking her head.

"Let's not talk about it right now, we'll explain everything when the time comes." she said and the girls all nodded in agreement, leaving me confused.

Ever since we talked yesterday, they always avoided the topic in front of me which made me a little frustrated. I mean, I was supposed to know anyways so why would they hide it from me? The sooner the better, right? Just from their expressions I can tell there's a lot for me to know but they always hold off the topic. However I always shrugged it off because honestly, one side of me really didn't want to know the truth about the king and his...activities. But it's not like I have a choice, right?

"Hey, how about we go out to the city today? The weather seems nice." chirped Nayeon, trying to interrupt the awkward silence in the room. I felt my muscles loosen up as the girls nodded in agreement, smiles already adoring their faces again. I stood up also, heading to my room to get ready for the little outing. I sighed as I walked along the corridor with my arms crossed around my chest.

I will just have to hold back the curiosity and uneasiness building up in the pit of my stomach for a while. I'm sure they have a reason for not telling me.

The walk around the city square was really nice. It felt totally different from the walks I had with my mother back when I was little, but with Jisoo and other girls beside me I still had a lot of fun. We walked around the market, admiring all kinds of clothing and accessories sold by the kind-looking street sellers. We also got ourselves some ice-creams which made me remember my childhood, so I ended up strolling through the city with an ice-cream in my hand a big grin on my face. I felt at ease. The only thing bugging me were the stares I would get from by-passers here and there. The white dress with gentle flounces I wore this morning was earning me a lot of attention. I never liked being in the center of attention, therefore this was one of the reasons I feared being the bride. But even so, Jisoo and Jennie helped me ignore the stares as we chatted throughout the whole outing and I again felt really grateful to them.

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