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Sneaking out

Sneaking out

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"Hey! Wake up!" I stirred under my duvet, frowning at the disturbing, hushed voice.

"Mhmm, what?" I mumbled, tugging the duvet towards my chin, up to under my nose. Someone shook my shoulders all of a sudden, making me groan hoarsely.

"C'mon! Rise and shine, no more sleep for you today Chae!" I scrunched my nose confused, recognizing the disturbing voice. I opened my eyes slowly, quirking up my eyebrow at the grinning Lisa who was standing next to my bed.

"What the hell? It's still dark outside." I muttered looking around my room, widening my eyes at the sight of Jennie standing on my other side, still holding both of my shoulders. "What are you two doing here?"

"It's actually only 1 AM. But we're going out so get your butt out of the bed and get moving." I gaped at Lisa's words, all the sleep suddenly leaving my system. I sat up on the bed, frowning at the two girls.

"What do you mean out? And what do you mean 1 AM? Who in their right minds-"

"You talk too much, now get up. We still need to wake up Jisoo, which will take some time as well." said Jennie and clapped her hands, making me jump a little on the spot.

"Can't we just hang out in the morning?" I whined but my plead was unheard, Jennie already grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bed. "B-but I'm still wearing my pajamas!" I said hurriedly but Lisa only shrugged it off as we already exited my room.

"We do as well, don't mind it. No one will see us at this hour anyway." she said and we continued our way further down the corridor towards Jisoo's room.

"Can you at least tell me what's the meaning of all this?"

"We do this often." Jennie shrugged.

"You mean sneaking out?"

"Yeah, since the guys are usually really busy throughout the day, we have no other choice but to hang out in the night. But it's fun, trust me."

"Guys?" Jennie looked over her shoulder at me, giving me a sweet grin.

"Yeah, it's time for you to meet some new people, don't you think?" I widened my eyes but didn't manage to say anything as Lisa stormed into Jisoo's room, with us trailing shortly after her.

"Wake up honey, it's party time!" she cheered, swiftly pulling blankets away from the stirring Jisoo.

"Lisa, I swear to God, not again..." she grumbled, turning on her other side. I chuckled as Lisa pouted, walking around the bed to face Jisoo again.

"Unnie! But I just came home today! Won't you celebrate my return? And besides! Chae's here as well so you better wake up before I consider another approach!"

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