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Luck was obviously not on my side

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Luck was obviously not on my side. At least not this time. To my misfortune, the guys decided to meet up by the pond yesterday night while I was with the king. Since Jisoo didn't expect such a turn of events, she had a really hard time explaining to Jin why I couldn't join them. Adding the two and two together, Seokjin found out where I was, and to say he was disappointed was an understatement.

And so, right after I found out what happened, I took off to find him and explain as much as I can.

"Oppa~" I whined for the hundredth time, tugging at his sleeve. Seokjin continued walking ahead, not giving me a single glance or a sign of acknowledgment. "You know I didn't mean to lie to you, right? I just didn't want to pour gas into the fire." I explained, holding onto his elbow, as we continued walking along the long corridors.

"That doesn't matter, I thought we promised to tell each other everything," he muttered, obviously sulking.

"I didn't want you guys to fight again! For whatever reason, you were upset a lot already and I just-" sighing, I didn't know how to explain myself anymore.

I didn't want to risk the two having another fight, seeing they're not in greatest conditions right now. I didn't want to risk Seokjin getting hurt if things went out of hand. On the other side, I must have made him feel betrayed.

Seokjin halted with a sigh, turning around to face me with a bothered expression.

"I know, and I'm thankful for that, but you don't need to be concerned about me and the king. We'll sort out our problems on our own." biting my lip I nodded, gazing down at the floor. "Besides, I know it wasn't from your own will since he called for you anyway, but even s-"

"Actually," I chuckled nervously, scratching the back of my head. I was not going to lie to him any more than needed, might as well drop the bomb now. "he did give me choice. was me who chose to go." I muttered silently, looking anywhere but him.

I hissed silently, noticing the man in front of me stiffing.

"You chose to go?" I nodded, glancing at him from behind my lashes. Looking away from me he took a deep breath, combing his fingers through his hair frustratingly.

Without saying anything else he bolted away, making me gawk at him in surprise.

"W-wait, oppa!" catching up to him I tugged at his sleeve again, whining, "Don't be angry with me, please." Seokjin, however, stayed silent, not giving any sign of answer once again. I sighed softly, quietly walking after him with my head hung low.

What am I going to say now? And why is he even so bothered by it anyway? Just because he had a fight with the king, doesn't mean I should be angry with him too, right?

"Op-" walking around a corner we both stopped in our tracks as Seokjin almost collided into someone else. Looking up, I widened my eyes at the king, the air around us thickening in instant.

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