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Scared for you

Chaeyoung's pov

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Chaeyoung's pov

"Alright, the air is clean. Let's go!" I took a deep breath before nodding to myself firmly.

Carefully, I slipped out of my room, closing the door after me silently and followed after Jimin. I glanced around the empty, dimly lit corridor as I caught up with Jimin, gripping his sleeve tightly.

It was already Monday, something around 11 PM and I was about to meet up with Jungkook. After the talk I had with the king last Friday, he hasn't called for me once, which surprised me at first, but it made my plan of meeting Jungkook more easier.

"Are the girls already downstairs?" I whispered, tugging at Jimin's sleeve, still looking around. I couldn't deny the adrenalin flowing through my veins as I was doing something strictly forbidden. But I was feeling afraid as well. Who wouldn't? I was going against the king's orders and I was even pulling my friends into this.

"Yeah, they're already waiting by the exit in the back." he muttered as we made our way down the main staircase. " Alright, listen. We will go to the back wing and towards our soldiers' quarters. You will have to exit and also return through the back gate on the east. Kai's the one in charge there so you should be alright." I snapped my head in his direction, scowling at the familiar name.

"Kai? But the guy hates me." I grumbled, causing Jimin to chuckle.

"He doesn't hate you. He's just too much of a dick to show he actually likes someone." I gaped at that, looking at him with my lips parted.

"L-likes?" I stuttered, receiving nothing but a sly wink my way. I could feel my cheeks heating up as we continued our way towards the back wing.

What does he mean likes?

"Guys!" the hushed whispers broke me out of my thinking, making me look up at the three girls who were already standing by the exit of the palace.

We hurried towards them still careful not to make too much noise.

"There you go." Jisoo handed me a black cloak before holding both of my shoulders, looking me dead in the eye. "Be back before 4 AM, alright?" I nodded with a small smile, hugging her as the rest joined the hug as well.

"Be careful out there princess. If you see suspicious people around, come back immediately, okay?" muttered Jimin, making me nod as we retreated from the hug.

"Roger that." I chanted, before chuckling.

I put on the cloak, pulling my hair into a loose ponytail and hiding it behind the cloak before pulling up the hood.

"I'll be back soon." I reassured all of them, stepping back.

"Have fun!"

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