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The promise amidst the warm rainfall


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The stomping echoed around the corridors deafeningly as Jin proceeded to look for his long-time friend with a scowl on his face.

Jin had never acted like this before, not because of this. But he had enough, he wasn't going to be the same coward any longer.

The fury in him built up with each step he took as he scanned every corridor around, his clenched fists itching.

He would like to say that it was the built-up anger from the recent days, where the younger was acting recklessly and impossible. Yet, he knew that the thought of Jisoo spending another night with him was the main fuel that kept him going. He was furious.

Finally, he noticed Taehyung walking towards the dining hall, his steps slow with his hands tucked in his pockets. Acting so indifferently it made Seokjin's blood boil.

"Taehyung!" turning around, Taehyung spotted his friend walking his way with a solemn and angered expression.

"I was looking for you, we're having a meeting at 11-"

"Go to hell, you and your meeting!" the air around them froze as the echo of the powerful blow bounced around the walls, the eerie sound resonating around the whole floor. Nothing but heavy breaths could be heard in the freezing silence as Taehyung regained his posture, the knuckle of his finger brushing against his bruised cheek.

The king snickered, looking up at his furious friend from behind his fringe. He came back towards the other from where the punch sent him, crossing his arms on top of his chest.

"What is your fucking problem, Jin?" he seethed, looking at the other sharply. Seokjin stayed still, watching the other gravely, not fearing the dangerous rasp in his voice. He was too angry to be scared.

"You're my problem, Taehyung. You and your acting because I'm fed up with it!" he growled, his fists itching to send another punch.

It was the first time the furry blinded him to the point he couldn't think straight. He couldn't see his friend standing in front of him. He couldn't see the boy he practically raised ever since they were kids. He saw someone, who was having his way no matter what, someone conceited and self-centered. He saw nothing but red.

"Seokjin, do not piss me off." growled Taehyung, the threat in his gruff voice obvious.

Taehyung did have a hunch about the older's reasons for his sudden violent acts. It was obvious as a bright day.

"So I am pissing you off?" scoffed Seokjin, his eyes filled with murderous fire. He stepped closer towards the younger, looking straight into his dull pair of eyes. "Am I a fucking joke to you?"

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