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In all the rush and confusion of the situation I didn't even register when I got separated from the king

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In all the rush and confusion of the situation I didn't even register when I got separated from the king. One moment I was staring him in the eyes completely frozen, and few seconds later I was getting dragged away to who knows where.

My head was clouded, only two things circling around my mind on repeat, no rational thinking whatsoever.

His stare. He was looking at me so fondly as if looking at his new pet. It was unsettling and degrading. Unsettling because I couldn't read him and tell if he was really seeing me in that way. Degrading because that's most likely what I am to him. His new pet.

However the second thing got my knees shaking, my insides squeezing painfully. In all the mess of girls crying in relief behind me and people cheering in the crowd, I finally found my best friend standing at the back of the small crowd, looking at me with terror written all over his face and tears rolling down his cheeks.

Jungkook was there the entire time and I felt utterly horrible because for a moment, when I was standing in front of the king lost in his gaze, I forgot about him. I forgot about my only family I have. I forgot about that one person who was always there for me.

I snapped out of my daze yet again and looked around me in panic. I was being dragged away by this girl who was now leading me through a long corridor somewhere in the back of the castle.

Where is she taking me? But I didn't even talk to Jungkook yet! I need to go to him!

I hurriedly tried to pull my wrist away from her grip, struggling.

"W-wait, where are we going?" I asked stuttering in fear, still struggling to get her let go of me. She turned around and looked at me a little startled before she let go of my wrist and gave me an apologetic smile.

"Oh sorry I didn't want to scare you or anything. Did you come here alone? Or with your parents?" I frowned at her sudden question, wondering why she was asking me that.

"I came with a friend." her face light up at my answer and she gave me another bright smile.

Only now I noticed her long white dress with pearls adoring her mid-length sleeves and her waist. Her dark hair was combed neatly, few white hairclips resting at both sides of her head, securing her side locks. A pearl necklace was adoring her neck and she also had a pair of pearl earrings. It was more than obvious she was a bride.

"Well, I will accompany you to one of the castle's courtyards. We made sure that your friend will be waiting for you there." I sighed in relief, giving her a small smile as well. "By the way, my name's Jisoo. I'm one of the brides so I guess we'll see each other often from now on." I nodded with a forced smile, her words reminding me about the previous events.

It's still hard to believe it's not just a dream.

She looked at me expectantly, an awkward silence enveloping us before I cursed at myself internally.

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