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Foolish play

In the end, we decided to bake two cakes as one was supposed to be for tomorrow and the king expected his piece today

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In the end, we decided to bake two cakes as one was supposed to be for tomorrow and the king expected his piece today. Lisa was against the idea, saying it's not even his cake to begin with but not wanting to get myself in trouble, I stayed behind for few more hours to finish up the second cake as I still had enough ingredients to do so.

And so, with a plate with finely cut cake, I stood in front of the door of the meeting room in the west wing, the guard at the end of the hall giving me weird looks as I stayed rooted to the same spot for the last five minutes.

Staring at the cake with single strawberry on top, I wondered. Does the plan of mine even have a future? While stirring the chocolate dressing for the cake back in the kitchen, I realized there's no chance for me to ignore him. He's a great part of my life whether I want it or not. Laying in his bed with him every night, there's no chance for me to grow apart from him. Forget him, cut him out of my life.

But what am I supposed to do now? Leave things as they are? But what does that even mean? What are we? How are things between us? That's the thing, I didn't even know what I was standing on. Should I get closer to him? But how?

"Are you going to go in?" I snapped my head in the direction of the guard on the other end of the hall, sending him a glare as he gave me a blank look.

"Mind your own business." I muttered under my nose with a huff before raising my eyes to the door in front, taking a deep breath.

I knocked three times, patiently waiting for an answer from inside of the room.

"Come in." nodding to myself firmly as a reassurance, I opened the door and walked in, shutting it after me quietly.

"Your Majesty, I brought you the cake like you requested." I said, gazing at the man as I approached the long table in the middle of the room.

The king was standing by a large window on the other side of the room, his back facing me as he didn't bother to turn around and acknowledge my presence. Not knowing what to do I placed the plate on the table, careful not to put it on one of the hundreds scattered papers.

"Took you long enough before finally coming in." he noted and turned around, titling his head as he looked at me from the other side of the room. I gaped at his remark, my cheeks turning to dusty pink.

"How-" in that moment, it clicked as I remembered that it was a Saint who stood in front of me. I hissed internally, remembering his developed hearing. For all I know, he could even smell me from the second I stepped in front of the door. "I see." I muttered, bowing my head.

"You finished the cake already?" looking up I nodded hastily. Taking the plate I scurried towards him, grinning.

"It's a chocolate cake with strawberries and raspberries." I chimed, pushing the plate towards his chest. However he didn't bother to take the plate as he continued to stare at me with an unreadable expression, his hands in his pockets as always. I pouted, looking at the plate before back up at him. "You don't like chocolate?" chuckling he shook his head.

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