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New life

I frowned peaking at the guard who was walking ahead of me holding my bag. Right after we walked through the main entrance of the palace we took a sharp turn towards a long corridor with numerous paintings on the wall. The corridor was light up with crystal chandeliers hanging down from the high ceiling, making my jaw drop a little at the sight. We turned at least three times already, my palms becoming sweaty from the nerves. The corridor seemed to have no end and I was getting really fidgety.

"E-excuse me? May I please know where are we going?" I asked awkwardly with a nervous smile, trying to be as polite as I can and not annoy the scary looking guy. The guard glanced at me sideways, still emotionless before replying.

"The throne hall. We have to inform the king about your arrival." I tensed at his answer before nodding, muttering out a small 'Thank you.'

The rest of our small journey was filled with awkward silence. I was trying really hard to think positively and to chase away all the frightening and unsettling thoughts that seemed to have no end. All I could do was hope that they will give me some time before ushering me to 'work'. And also hope that I will get to see and talk to Jisoo.

Before I knew it, the guard stopped in front of large double-doors. Me being lost in thoughts and being my clumsy self, I didn't notice the buff guard standing in front of me so I bumped my forehead against his back letting out a small 'oof'. He gave me a short glare with a grunt before opening the wide door and stepping inside. I followed him with my head hanging low.

I was well aware that we were already in the throne hall since in  the corner of my eyes I could see that we were in a large room or more like a hall with pillars lining up on both of our sides. We were also walking along an expensive-looking red carpet which was most likely leading to the throne. So as much as I wanted to snatch my bag away from the mean guy in front of me and run away, I looked up and cautiously looked around.

The room was insanely spacious and empty. I peeked behind the guy's shoulder to the front of the room only to get my breath stuck in my throat. Our king was sitting in one of the two thrones which were on a platform-like space. He was talking with a young man who was standing next to him, still completely oblivious to our presence. However what made me smile were the few girls in white dresses on the side of the room, all scattered around a cozy looking sofa and chatting. One of them was Jisoo who was already waving in my direction. I gave her a small wave as well, smiling.

"His Majesty." the guy in front of me said bowing down once we were right in front of the steps leading to the thrones. I bowed down as well staying a little behind, clutching at my dress tightly. "I came to report the arrival of your newest bride." he said monotonously before standing up straight, me following slowly behind. I glanced at the king from behind my lashes before looking away quickly, catching him already staring at me.

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