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Hello everyone <3

First of all, I would like to apologize for such a long wait for any kind of updates on this book, and I am sorry about what I am going to say next, but I have decided to discontinue this story as of now.

It was a difficult decision for me, hence the long wait. Through this story, I got my first recognition of my writing, praise and support. Despite all its faults, this story was a big part of me for a long time and so it was difficult for me to acknowledge that it is time to abandon it for good.

As I am maturing and acquiring more knowledge and awarness on certain issuess, I can see the major faults in the core of this story, more specifically the relationship between our two main characters. Even though they developed a more healthy relationship later on, it started as toxic, forced and cruel. I started writing this story when I was younger and I didn't see much wrong with it, it was just silly fanfiction after all. But now I am realizing I don't want to build a story off of such dynamics, and I do not intend to romanticize or promote these kinds of relationships.

I want to thank you guys so much, for all the support you showed me throughout this journey, even though I am sure many of you saw these faults as well. I am happy you could enjoy my writing despite that and I will forever remember the love you showed me, it meant a lot to me and it still does.

As I already said, it is very difficult for me to part with this story, so I am not taking it down completely for now (I may later if I change my mind). I will probably put a disclaimer somewhere at the beginning, but I will be happy if people can still enjoy my writing, my characters and certain parts of the story.

I have not abandoned writing altogether, I am improving myself in private without publishing anything, but I would love to come back one day to share some other stories that I am working on.

Once again, thank you for your support, love and patience, bye for now <3

Once again, thank you for your support, love and patience, bye for now <3

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