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Hide and seek

Chaeyoung's pov

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Chaeyoung's pov

"These are so good," moaned Jisoo for the tenth time already, taking another big bite of her sandwich. I chuckled at her dreamy expression, shaking my head, "If I were a guy, I would totally date you right away," I raised my eyebrow, glancing at her.

"Because I make good sandwiches?" I mused, taking a bite of my own food.

"That's a radical quality my girlfriend should have, of course," she explained before taking another big bite. I chuckled at her weirdness before looking around, spotting the three kids already running our way where we were seated on a blanket near the fountain.

Insu immediately rushed my way while the two other kids including Haeun and a boy named Daeshim went to Jisoo, all of them with wide grins on their faces.

We both gave them their own sandwiches as they all sat down next to us, munching on the snack I prepared for all of us.

"Pretty noona?"

"Yes Insu?" I giggled at the little boy who looked up at me cutely, his mouth still full.

"Why don't you and Jichu noona play hide and seek with us?" I tiled my head, looking down at him before glancing at Jisoo.

"Yes! Yes! It's boring when it's only the three of us!" whined Haeun, Daeshim nodding his head excitedly by her side with his cheeks full.

"Sure why not," I said, glancing at Jisoo who nodded, shrugging her shoulders, "but only after all of you finish your sandwiches. You need the energy to run around." I said, taking a napkin to wipe the butter off Insu's cheek.

The kids scarfed down the sandwiches in a quick moment, soon standing up to jump around excitedly.

"Let's go play! We'll play only on the outside so no hiding in the palace is allowed!"

The kids dragged us towards the fountain, all giggling excitedly with a little jump in their steps.

I smiled softly at the adorable sight.

"Who's going to be the seeker then?" asked Jisoo.

"I can be," I raised my hand a bit, the kids immediately cheering at that.

"Okay! Count to-" Insu halted, lifting up his hands to count on his little fingers with a small frown, "-to fifty?" he muttered hesitantly, looking up at me and Jisoo. We both cooed at the adorable boy.

"Sure, fifty it is," I said, smiling. "I'll be counting here," I said, pointing back at the fountain behind me.

"Okay, and don't look!" warned Haeun with a small glare, making me chuckle.

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