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3 days later

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3 days later

Just like any other time, I woke up in the middle of the night unwillingly. It didn't even frustrate me at this point as it became a habit of mine a long time ago. However, tonight was different.

I woke up because I needed to pee. Badly.

Turning from one side to another, the urge was becoming more and more unbearable. I sighed with a silent groan, peeking at the sleeping king and then at the door on the side of the room.

I have never been to his bathroom, and I wasn't sure if I was even allowed to use it. But at this point I didn't have a choice anymore. Glancing at the seeping godlike man next to me, it was more likely he'll stay asleep anyway. He doesn't have to know I used it, right?

Slowly sitting up I threw the covers away from my naked body, shuffling around quietly. But as I placed my feet on the carpeted floor, the covers behind me rustled and before I knew it, a gentle brush of fingers against my lower back made me jerk suddenly.

Turning around I looked at the king who was still laying with his eyes closed, his arm outstretched towards me with his fingers still against my skin, the sensation sending shivers down my spine. Frowning he nestled further down beneath the sheets with a sigh.

"Where are you going?" he muttered, eyes still closed as if he was sleep-talking. But he wasn't, I knew it by the way his fingers trailed the skin on my back as if they tried to grab onto something. Panicking I quickly held his hand in both of mine, sitting further away.

"I need to use the bathroom." I said quietly, observing the serene expression on his face. As if nothing in the world mattered. As if everything was just how it was supposed to be.

If just that was the case.

Opening one sleepy eye lazily he glanced at me, giving me a subtle nod.

"Be quick."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." reciting the line I knew by heart, I quickly scurried up, grabbing my robe to quickly tie it around myself.

As I was about to step down the stairs into the antechamber, his quiet mutter from the bed stopped me, making me turn around towards him like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Just use mine, silly." taken aback by his sudden casual approach towards me I nodded, still dazed before jogging towards his bathroom with a gentle blush on my cheeks.

Closing the doors behind me I leaned my back against their solid surface, thankful for it was the only thing keeping me standing on my feet. Not only was I tired, but everything around me kept on not making any sense at all. My exhausted mind realized, I no longer knew what was going on with me, no longer knew the people around me, no longer knew where I really was.

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