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The father and his son

The father and his son

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Chaeyoung's pov

Taken aback, I watched him in surprise while feeling my cheeks heating up at his rare request.

Sleep with him? But why?

"We can stay here if you want. So you don't feel uncomfortable," he added quietly, his tired eyes reflecting the hope he was holding onto.

For a moment I was left speechless, not knowing what to do as I have never even dreamed of him wanting to just simply share a bed with me while sleeping. It was pleasantly surprising but also nervewracking.

Why so suddenly?

"Um-sure! Y-yeah, we can do that." I sputtered shyly, my abdomen squeezing at the sight of him visibly loosening up in relief. He gave me a small smile, causing me to smile shyly as well before averting my eyes elsewhere, feeling nervous.

"You can get comfortable if you wish, I'm just going to use the bathroom for a bit," I said, motioning towards the already messy sheets. He nodded, already aiming for my bed.

Quickly, I rushed to my bathroom and closed the door behind me, leaning against it while staring widely ahead, flushed.

"What the hell?" I muttered and hurried towards the sink, holding my chest tightly.

Chaeyoung, get a grip of yourself! You're just going to sleep, nothing else! It's not like you've never slept with him in one bed!

So why are you getting so nervous over it? There's no reason to be, right? Of course there isn't!

Taking a deep breath I attempted to calm myself down, closing my eyes.

You'll be fine Chae, there's nothing to be nervous about.

Nodding to myself confidently I opened my eyes, scowling immediately at my messy reflection in the mirror. I tried to fix my hair subtly to look at least a bit presentable before taking another deep breath and walking out.

The king was already laying down shirtless, one of his forearms over his forehead as he stared blankly at the ceiling above. Biting the inside of my cheek I sat down on my side of the bed with my back facing him as I slowly took off my necklace, placing it on my nightstand.

Turning off the small lamp, coating the room in darkness, I tucked myself under the duvet, sighing.

It was an odd feeling, laying next to him in my bed and under my sheets. Not to mention my bed is way smaller than his, even though it's meant for two people. It still felt different.

Pulling the duvet to my shoulders I turned to my side, glancing up at him in the peaceful darkness of the room.

I could see pretty well thanks to the soft moonlight coming in through the curtains. The duvet reached only to his hips, his chest slowly raised up and down with his calm and stable breaths.

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