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Ideal girl

Shutting the door with my foot carefully, I quickly scurried up the few steps to the chamber, aiming for the king

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Shutting the door with my foot carefully, I quickly scurried up the few steps to the chamber, aiming for the king. I placed the plate with snacks on his table, looking at him hesitantly.

"Here, you should eat something," I muttered quietly, pushing the plate in front of him who was sorting out some papers.

Ever since he calmed down from the outburst earlier, he barely said a word, working by his table the whole time. As for me, he ordered me to stay with him for some reason, not letting me go and let him work in peace. Luckily, he agreed once I offered myself to bring something for him to eat since he hasn't eaten in a while and I was also getting really bored in the chamber.

Nodding, he didn't spare a single glance my way, proceeding on looking through the papers in silence.

Pursing my lips I walked behind him, taking a peek at the papers from behind his shoulder.

Agreement of partnership with the kingdom of Stella.

Again with this Stella kingdom? Are we really in disagreement with them or something?

"Should I," I faltered, placing my hands on my knees as I leaned a bit closer to him, "should I leave to let you work in peace?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, turning my attention to him.

The king stayed quiet, indifferent as if not even hearing me talking. But then again, there was no way he didn't hear me.

Waiting for another few moments I sighed, leaning back up to look at the ground.

He probably doesn't want me to bother him anymore. He's obviously in a bad mood after whatever happened earlier today, and maybe he finally realized he needs to be alone for some time now.

"If you excuse me then, I'll-" I was about to turn around after bowing subtly but the king tugged at my dress suddenly, causing me to stop in my tracks and look at him confused.

He wasn't looking at me however he dropped the papers he was holding, bowing his head down with a sigh. I frowned, walking back towards him.


"Don't." I flinched a little at the little plea in his voice, tilting my head, "Don't go." sighing I looked down at my feet, nodding.

It's so difficult and frustrating, trying to understand the man. Why does he want me to stay here with him if he's not even going to pay attention to me?

Pouting I walked towards his bed, plopping myself down with a huff.

What now?

Should I try to cheer him up? But what could I possibly do? I don't even know why he's being like this.

I laid down on my back, staring at the red baldachin above, lost in my thoughts.

Let's think rationally Chae, if he wants you to stay here with him, he's obviously not minding your presence, right? So it wouldn't be so wrong to interrupt his work, right? Again, he has been working a lot these days.

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