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The frightening anger

The frightening anger

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3. person

"T-there also h-haven't been...haven't been a-any reports of movements from the n-neighbor kingdoms, a-and our spy for-forces will continue t-to inform us of an-any suspicious activities. Furthermore..."

Seokjin sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration. He was really sorry for the guy who looked like he was going to cry any second now, but Jin knew he couldn't do anything about it. He looked down at his friend who was seated in his throne as usual, glaring at the poor waiting-boy like he's going to skin him alive. It was even painful to stand so close to the sour emperor, the raging aura emitting from his body was almost shaking the castle walls.

"-b-but the cu-culprit was cough-t a-and...uh and-" the shivering boy stopped talking as the king raised his hand up subtly, signaling him to shut his mouth. There was a heavy silence, nothing but the silent whispers from the corner where brides were chatting were heard. The girls were not paying attention to what was happening, but they could also feel the heavy aura enveloping the air, the newfound feeling making it hard to breathe for Chaeyoung.

"That's enough for the reports, you may go now." said Taehyung, causing Jin and the trembling waiting-boy to look at him with widened eyes.


"Get lost."

"Y-yes, as you w-wish your Majesty." after he scurried out of the throne hall, Seokjin sighed heavily again before turning to his friend, giving him an annoyed look.

"Tae, you need the reports for the dinner tonight, why would you do that?"

"It was getting annoying." Jin took a deep breath, trying not to lash out at his bratty best friend.

He was well aware that he sometimes had his mood swings and all he could do was wait them out, but Tae would never ditch his work because of his sour mood, making Seokjin wonder greatly, what in the name of holy Poseidon was wrong with the younger now.

"Seriously, who pissed in your coffee this morning." Seokjin hissed, silencing his voice a little so the girls in the corner wouldn't hear. "The guy almost spewed out his soul and I can literally feel the ground beneath me shaking. Chill your damn aura kid." he continued to nag, however the young emperor stayed silent, running his knuckles along his lips slowly while looking at nothing in particular.

Taehyung was barely in such a bitter mood to unleash his aura so carelessly, but today he couldn't control the waves of unpleasant frustration and fume leaving his restless being. He didn't sleep a single second last night which was probably one of the main reasons he felt like clawing his eyes out of his sockets and crashing his head against a brick-wall.

He was exhausted but restless at the same time. His mind wouldn't let him fall asleep while the rest of his body was begging for at least a single hour of break.

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