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Chaeyoung's pov

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Chaeyoung's pov

For the first time in months, I wore black. It was an odd sight, the contrast of my blonde hair against the black silk on my chest and the puffy sleeves reaching my elbows. No doubt I missed wearing other colors than white, yet today, the sight of black wrapped around my body made me want to jump back into my white bride dresses right away.

I glanced at my bedside table and sighed, looking at the frail jewelry lying neatly on the white polished furniture. Reaching out I took it and clasped it around my neck, smiling softly at the sight of the familiar golden necklace decorating my collarbones.

As ironic as it sounds, the cold necklace was the only thing warming me up from the inside and effectively getting rid of the unpleasant shivers running up my spine today. The only thing that seemed familiar in my appearance, the only thing that grounded me.

Ever since Taehyung had gifted me the beautiful necklace, there wasn't a single day I hadn't put it on.

It's been a week since my birthday.

It was the day of my parents' death anniversary.

I was supposed to be down by the main entrance five minutes ago but something made me lag behind, made me fear going down to meet Taehyung who was most likely already waiting for me.

Meeting my parents every year was torture, no matter how much I missed them.

Back when I lived in Clawsen, me and Jungkook would meet them more frequently, almost every week. However, something about going there on that forsaken day every year was way more different, not in a good way. Just thinking about it made me not want to go, but something also pulled me there for I missed my parents too much.

I smiled sadly as I sat down on my bed, clutching the heart pendant on my neck tightly.

''Chae baby, lunch is ready!'' Perking up at mom's exclaim from our front door I grinned, nodding at her enthusiastically.

''I'm coming!'' turning back around I bid Jungkook goodbye before racing inside the house.

Stepping in the kitchen I frowned, seeing nothing was on the table yet.

''Mom, I thought you said lunch was ready,'' I muttered with a little pout. Mom, who was still stirring a sauce that was cooking, turned around to me with a sweet smile.

''It will be done in a minute dear. Go and wash your hands and help me set the table please.'' Glaring at her I approached the sink.

''You know it's not nice to lie, mom,'' I grumbled, washing my hands.

Mom chuckled and just then dad entered the kitchen, sighing in content.

''Smells delicious in here, love,'' he smiled, walking towards my mom and kissing her on the mouth. Right in front of me.

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