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It's unfair

Three days later, Chaeyoung finally felt better and was able to leave her room

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Three days later, Chaeyoung finally felt better and was able to leave her room. She slept off most of her days and she was more than ready to go out and see other people. As much as she enjoyed lazying around in her room, she also needed some interaction with other people.

Chaeyoung smiled, remembering the surprise visit she got on Thursday morning.

Trashing around under the heavy piles of blankets, Chaeyoung groaned as the harsh sunlight beams hit her closed eyelids. Opening her eyes carefully, she looked around, realizing she was alone. Peering at the little clock on her nightstand, she noticed it was already ten in the morning, meaning the king must have already left for his work. Sighing she turned back around to lay on her back, eyes closed. She scowled softly, feeling her parching throat throb.

With a sudden soft knock on her door, she perked up, leaning on her elbows.

''Come in!'' in walked a little boy, Chaeyoung's frown immediately turning into a full-blown smile.

''Pretty noona!'' cheered the boy, raising his arms playfully as he quickly shuffled towards the end of her bed.

''Insu! Hi baby, how are you feeling?'' she chuckled raspily.

''I'm amazing! How are you noona? I heard you got sick because of the rain,'' the boy pouted.

''Ahh yes, but that's alright, I will be back to normal in a few days,'' she reassured him, smiling as the boy immediately cheered up, nodding excitedly.

''Insu! I told you not to run ahead!'' Mrs Lim walked in, panting softly as she sent the boy a scolding glare. Chaeyoung chuckled, watching the two adoringly.

Even when Mrs Lim was around her 50s already, she was still a very lively woman, always playing around with her little son whenever she had the chance. Chaeyoung respected that about her a lot.

''Sorry, mommy,'' chuckled the boy sheepishly, clutching his hands in front of him with an innocent smile on his adorable face.

''Little brat,'' huffed the woman before turning around to Chaeyoung, ''how are you feeling sweetheart?'' soothed Mrs Lim, approaching her bed with two paper bags in her hand.

''I'm doing well, thank you,'' reassured Chaeyoung, leaning her back against the backrest.

''As if, look at you! You poor thing,'' whined Mrs Lim, pointing at the girl, making Chaeyoung laugh raspily, ''I'm very sorry.'' Chaeyoung smiled softly, shaking her head.

''No need to be! I will recover quickly don't you worry, it's just a slight fever,'' assured Chaeyoung, feeling bad that Mrs Lim was feeling guilty.

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