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Talk things out

Opening the chamber's doors with my foot slowly, I cautiously shuffled in, careful not to drop anything

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Opening the chamber's doors with my foot slowly, I cautiously shuffled in, careful not to drop anything.

''I'm back!'' I called, walking up the few steps with a smile, looking at him over the tower of board games I was holding. The king looked up from his work at me, raising his eyebrow amusedly.

''Board games? Really? That was your groundbreaking plan?'' I narrowed my eyes at him before dropping the things carefully on his bed, heaving a sigh and stretching my arms.

''So what?'' I pouted softly, turning around to him with my hands on my hips. ''Board games are fun! Way more fun than just lying around all evening. Come on!'' I gushed and walked in front of him, taking his hand. He looked up at me with unconvinced eyes, my smile widening more and more as I watched him giving up slowly. Sighing he stood up, making me cheer in relief.

''It will be fun, you'll see!''

I hovered my hand over the white figurine on the board, thinking. I definitely can't go right. Having no choice I moved it to the left, looking up at the king uncertainly. He glanced down at me with a small smile before moving one of his figurines, knocking over the one I just moved, and placed his on the spot instead.

''How's that possible?'' I whined, raising myself on my elbows from the position I was in, looking at the board in disbelief.

''You were in my way.'' he mused, taking my figurine he just knocked over and placing it aside. Huffing I leaned my cheek against my palm, going back to my previous position on my tummy. ''I thought you said you haven't played this in years.'' I grumbled, looking over the figurines to think of my next move.

''It's true, I haven't.''

''Then how are you so good at this?'' I whined looking up at him with a pout. He winked at me with his iconic smirk, making me huff. ''Don't answer that.'' I muttered looking back down at the board. The king chuckled, leaning against the headboard comfortably.

Just as I was about to make my next move, there was a knock on the door making us both divert our focus from the board.

''Come in.''

I could hear the ginormous doors open and no long after that Seokjin walked up the few stairs, a stack of papers under his arm. He looked over both of us and the board game on the bed, smiling softly before wiping the little grin off his face, going back to his serious expression. He looked at the king who was watching him blankly, the tension in the room shifting a bit. I sat up from my laying position, watching the awkward silence between the two friends.

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