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Golden cage

Golden cage

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It was nice to feel that way after such a long time filled with uneasiness, fear and darkness. The feelings of peaceful mind and body were almost unrecognizable by now, at one point I thought I would never be able to feel at ease again.

I don't know what made tonight so different.

Maybe I was already getting used to the drastic turn of my life. Or maybe I was feeling at ease thanks to my recent confession about my past. I felt free, rescued from the bond that held me tight in the shackles of my own darkness.

Or maybe, just maybe it was the man lying next to me, snoring softly as his back faced mine. Could it be him? It was hard to admit, but I was slowly getting used to his close presence, beginning to feel secure and content in his hold.

Who would have thought it would end up like this?

I turned around, glancing at the king's back, making sure he was asleep before sitting up slowly, holding the silk blanket against my bare chest.

Jisoo was right, he called for me again that day. And the day after, and after that as well. I was beginning to truly consider the chances of me being one of his favorites now. But I couldn't find a single valid reason, why would that be the case.

It is true I couldn't help but enjoy fully every second spend with him in between these four walls. He was always making me feel so taken care of, the emotions being out of this world. They were overwhelming, but at the same time they were just so right.

But is it possible for him to feel the same way? Why would it be me? I was never even allowed (more like I never really tired) to make him feel good instead of him only taking care of me.

I groaned silently, scratching my scalp.

He wouldn't notice if I left sooner, right? He's a sleep anyways.

I silently sneaked out of the blankets, scurrying to my underwear and the gown thrown on the floor, silently praying I won't wake up the sleeping, deity-like man.

As I tied the ribbon messily around my waist, I glanced up at the open balcony door, fresh night breeze caressing my flushed cheeks with tenderness. I smiled at the soothing feeling, my legs already taking me towards the dancing curtains.

The view of the main yard from his room was simply magnificent, the silence of the night only adding to the serenity of the empty darkness. I leaned my elbows on the railing, closing my eyes to listen to the singing locusts and silent splashing of water in the fountain.

How I wish my mother was here with me, she loved enjoying the night. When I was young, she would always tell me stories about how her and my dad would always go out on dates during the night, exploring the night life not only of the nature but cities as well. I heard about so much of their adventures, always wishing to experience them with the love of my life as well.

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