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I have chosen my bride!

I have chosen my bride!

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I couldn't see much. My view was blurred, all thanks to the stupid veil. All I could make out were dark outlines of people who were most likely standing in front of the stage in a small crowd. I didn't know how many of them was there and I didn't know if Jungkook was somewhere among them as well. I couldn't tell.

The people were quietly talking among themselves, their hushed whispers making the atmosphere even more eerie. The quiet sobs from somewhere next to me where not making it any better either.

I kept on holding hands tightly with the two girls who were standing on both of my sides, none of us wanting to let go. We didn't really know each other nor have we ever spoken to one another, but the strong hold we shared was somehow calming me down, and I think it was the same for them also.

In the sheer stress and uneasiness I couldn't register how long have we been standing there but it felt like an eternity to me.

But when the quiet voices of the crowd died down and trumpets started to play the melody I knew very well, the king finally made his entrance.

I heard his steps clearly as he made his way across the stage after the music died down. From behind my veil I could see a shape of a person standing at the front of the stage, most likely facing the crowd.

He stayed quiet, some other guy on the side doing the talk for him as if he didn't have his own mouth to speak. He kept it simple, quickly commencing the ceremony.

I kept my head down when music started to play again, but now I could feel the two girls next to me letting go of my hands.

It's time.

The music stopped again and the figure at the front made it's way to the end of the long queue of the girls.

I was somewhere near the other end and honestly, it was not making me feel any better. I held my hands tightly intertwined behind me, my head down and my eyes shut tight.

My mind was in frenzy and my head was spinning lightly.

There was another thing about our king that I always tried to ignore and avoid to acknowledge. The Kim clan- the royal family who has been ruling this kingdom for centuries is no ordinary royal family. They're saints.

Saints are considered humans just like us, only they posses some qualities and strengths inherited from their ancestors. We, common people can call these qualities supernatural or even divine. Heightened senses, inhuman speed, beasts' strength, greater intelligence and the list goes on. However Saints' clans are slowly decreasing, the low number of the their descendants are dying out.

In our kingdom, the only Saints left alive are our king, Kim Taehyung and his father who was ruling the kingdom before him, Kim Taeho. From what my dad told me ages ago, our current king had an older brother who was saint as well but he was killed by assassins when he was still a child.

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