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"I was awaiting you, Chaeyoung

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"I was awaiting you, Chaeyoung." he said, still grinning with his head titled to the side, our noses almost touching. I cleared my throat awkwardly before stepping aside, bowing my head a little.

"I heard you called for me, your Majesty." I muttered, still not looking at him. I was well aware I was being ridiculously awkward right now but I had no idea how to act in such situation. He snickered before stepping my way with his hands tucked in his pockets. His idle posture and tired smirk made me suddenly feel hot, my cheeks must have been flaring up by the time he was hovering over me again.

"Indeed, I did. Glad you decided not to bail on me." I raised my eyebrows at his remark before chuckling nervously.

"I-I wouldn't disobey you like that, your Majesty." he gazed me in the eyes for a moment before swiftly leaning in, his nose brushing against my neck. I froze in my place not daring to move a single muscle as his subtle musk scent entered my nostrils.

Gosh that scent seemed to overwhelm my entire being every time he was near.

He placed a soft kiss under my jaw before leaning in to my ear, his hot breath caressing my earlobe.

"Are you scared of me?" his low and hoarse voice made me gulp loudly, my chest grazing against his every time I took a breath. I was ready to rise my hands and push him off, but something told me he wouldn't like that. Not to mention I would initiate an unnecessary physical contact.

"I-I...no." I muttered and he chuckled, his face still hovering over the crook of my neck. In the span of a moment, he grabbed my wrists tightly before pushing me against the wall in an inhuman speed, making me squeal in surprise and slight terror. In a second I was being pushed against the wall with him still holding my wrists in between our chests.

I looked up at him with widened eyes, my knees starting to wobble underneath my own weight.

D-did he just use his Saint's power on me?

"How about now? Still not scared?" he asked with his tired and amused grin, looking down at me with raised eyebrow. I bowed my head down, hiding my face behind the veil of my hair. He can clearly see I'm trembling like a chicken, does he really enjoy humiliating me that much? He's just making fun of my frightened state.

I hate this.

I could feel him lean in again before he let go of my wrists and instead pulled my hair away from my face and cupped my cheeks, surprisingly tenderly. I refused to look at him, not because I was being a brat, but because I felt really weak and small every time our gazes met.

"Don't. There's nothing to be scared of." he whispered, his lips brushing against my temple tenderly. I took a shaky breath before titling my head up, surprised by his sudden gentle approach. His dark eyes were boring into mine while he caressed my cheeks softly with his thumbs. We stayed silent for a while just looking at each other before he spoke again. "I will take a good care of you. You belong to me now, and I always make sure that my possessions are safe and sound."

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