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3. person

"I'm Insu!"

"That's a cool name!"

"Here." "Go and buy yourself something much better than that chocolate bar, hm?"

"Thank you, pretty noona!"

Taehyung couldn't stop thinking back to the moment of Chaeyoung's little interaction with the aristocrat boy. Once he has noticed her standing by the laundry cords he wanted to approach her but the little boy beat him to it. Therefore he couldn't help but watch as she chatted with the kid, smiling goofily and whole-heartedly. He didn't know why, but he couldn't chase away the picture of her at that moment. So carefree. Kind and sweet.

The sight of her interacting with a little child made him remember the night she told him about her dream. How she wanted to make herself a family. She wanted to create herself a future with that special someone, just like every other common girl wishes to. That made him wonder, will she do that once she's out of the palace? Once she's free from his hold?

"What are we going to do, Your Majesty?" sighing softly he closed his eyes for a second, leaning his chin against his fist as the other men in the room looked at him quietly.

"There's nothing we can do to stop his engagement." he stated, rolling his head a little to look at the men by the table. Running his eyes over all of them, his look blank and expressionless. "We will have to wait for his next steps."

"But Your Majesty, your father is furious! After Min Yoongi's marriage, he'll have more power in politics and Stella will become even more of a threat for us!" clenching his jaw, Taehyung listened to the annoying man who was lecturing him as if he didn't know all that himself.

"You're right, however, that also depends on who he's marrying." he explained gravely. "Until we know who it is, we can not assume his intentions behind the engagement. Until then we can not take actions." he watched as the men around the table whispered among each other, smirking as he listened to all the curses and complaints meant his way. "The meeting is over."

After all the men left, including Seokjin who left the room as quietly as possible, Taehyung stood up from his chair with a sigh, making his way around to the wide window overlooking the front yard.

Tucking his hands in his pants he ran his eyes over the lawn outside, mindlessly watching the people stroll around.

"Engagement," he sneered with a scowl, "nothing but a pain in the ass."

Noticing two kids playing around the pound on the right, his eyes softened as he watched them running around barefoot with paper toys in their hands, their clothes completely covered in mud. Tilting his head, he couldn't stop thinking.

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