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Making sure not to make a sound, I threw on the night gown messily, swiftly tying the ribbon around my waist

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Making sure not to make a sound, I threw on the night gown messily, swiftly tying the ribbon around my waist. I took a peak at the sleeping emperor from time to time, making sure he doesn't wake up. After I was done with adjusting my hair quickly and making sure I look at least a little bit like a human being, I took a longer look at the sleeping deity-like man sprawled on the bed before scurrying out of the room as quietly as possible.

It was way too soon to wake up, even for me. Something around half past five. But once I opened my eyes and realized where I was, I quickly jumped up, the memories of last night returning like a crushing wave. After everything downed on me, I couldn't stay for a minute longer. I had to get out.

I walked along the long corridor, biting on my nails anxiously. The halls were empty, not a single soul wandering around at this hour, which made me a little bit relaxed. At least I could think in peace, right? But no, my mind was a great mess anyway.

I didn't know what to think of last night. What to think of the king. It was confusing and frustrating at the same time. I thought that after my first night with him I would hate him. Despise him. Loathe him. I mean, how else should you feel about the man who forced you into a sexual contact with him, right? But something didn't allow me to hate him. It was weird, I didn't feel any kind of hatred or disgust whenever I recalled last night. I felt flustered, embarrassed and...giddy?

I groaned, messing up my hair in frustration. The only person I'm angry with is myself. I'm not supposed to feel like this.

I opened the door to my room, quickly walking in and closing it with my back. I gasped, spotting Jisoo calmly sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Unnie, what are you doing here?" I asked, walking towards her with raised eyebrows. She looked up at me with a small smile and stood up, taking a glass of water and a box of what looked like pills in her hands.

"First thing's first, take this." she said and handed me the box, making me look at her with perplexed gaze. "These are birth-control pills. Take one each morning after a night with him." I 'oohed' and nodded, taking the box and glass of water from her.

"Where do you even get these?"

"They provide us with these every month or so." I took the pill and drowned it with few gulps of water. Jisoo was watching me with a small smile, making me a little uneasy and confused with her behavior. "You should go and take a long shower. You'll tell me everything after that. We still have plenty of time before breakfast." I raised my eyebrow quizzically at the word 'everything'.

I nodded quietly nevertheless, knowing I needed and desperately wanted a nice and hot shower. I walked into my bathroom and without wavering I threw off the clothes and jumped into the shower cabinet which was standing right next to my bathtub.

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