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Love bites

It took me all the willpower my body could generate to finally open my eyes

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It took me all the willpower my body could generate to finally open my eyes.

The soft sheets, the warm morning sunlight and the silent chirping of birds was all so comforting I didn't want to wake up at all. All I wanted was to stay put, wrapped in the comfort of the beautifully peaceful morning.

But I knew I had to get up, this was not a place for me to laze around after all. I had my responsibilities, one of them being to wake up before he does. For the sole reason of safety and avoiding any embarrassing situations.

Yawning I sat up, holding the bed sheets against my bare chest. It was sunny outside already, meaning it wasn't the usual time I tend to wake up. Silently praying to all the Gods I knew, I glanced to the other side of the bed, wishing to find the king sleeping soundly as usual.

But all I was met with were messy bed sheets thrown over the edge of the bed, the other side of the bed empty. Gasping silently I looked around the room, wondering where the guy could be. Did I really wake up late?

The sudden sound of water from behind the bathroom's door made me curse silently, scurrying up from the bed in order to dress myself as quickly as possible.

Better leave this room before he finishes his shower, I really do not wish to see him right now. The memories of last night were still fresh and I needed some alone-time to think things through before I could face him again.

Putting on the night gown I glanced in the mirror by the wall, observing the dark marks around my upper chest and neck. Gulping, I traced the swollen skin gently with my fingertip, hissing as it was still stinging a bit.

He had never marked me this much before, usually they were just small, barely visible marks here and there. But this, God I won't even be able to cover them up with make up!

"You're up." I yelped at the sudden presence in the room, the king looking at me from behind my shoulder in the body-length mirror. I quickly turned around to bow.

"G-good morning your Majesty, I apologize I overslept! I will be out immediately!" I ranted, adjusting my hair sloppily as I glanced nervously at the door of the room, ready to make an exit for it as quickly as humanly possible.

"It's okay, you were exhausted. Take your time." he said seeming really calm and content. It was rare sight, seeing him so pleasantly at ease.

I nodded and as I was ready to rush out of the room I shrieked quietly, a sudden wave of pain from my lower region making me hold the closest thing to keep myself up.

"Are you alright?" he asked, walking towards me as each step made me redden more and more.

All the nights spend with him were now having their revenge on my body, making me curse myself for not seeing this earlier. Ever since I had my first time with him, he called for me almost every night, making my body overwhelmed and worn-out.

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