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3. person

"We're here to give a report on the Lee family, your Majesty."

"Yes, go on." the soldier cleared his throat, putting on a professional expression to cover up the jitters within. He glanced at his friend next to him, to recieve a reassuring nod.

"We've monitored their every movement and action just like you've requested. The Lee family is currently busy with an engagement of their only daughter to one of the sons in Choi family. They plan on binding the two families to have a bigger influence in the politics, however we're still not sure about their real intentions behind these acts."

"I see, what about the Choi family? I haven't heard of them in months." frowned Taehyung as Seokjin proceeded on noting everything down.

"The Choi family has been inactive ever since the incident last year, when the late Choi Hajoon who used to work here in the palace, was killed. Ever since they engaged their youngest son with Lee Hana, they have began to appear publicly again."

"I see. In that case, proceed by monitoring both families. Come and report once you notice something suspicious."

"As you wish, your Majesty."

Just when they were both ready to turn around and walk out of the throne hall, one of the soldiers noticed the girls in the corner of the room, giggling at something they were currently talking about. However one girl in particular captured his attention, making him tap the other one on his shoulder

"Hey, isn't that the chick you ran into today?" he asked, pointing at the blonde girl with his chin. However his silent whispers didn't escape the king's hearing, the emperor had been gifted with an extraordinary sharp hearing ever since he was born. Taehyung glanced at them subtly, narrowing his eyes as the two watched the girl in the corner.

"Oh yeah, the clumsy one who ran after her boyfriend right afterward. Didn't even notice she was a b-"

"Soldier Myung!" the soldier was silenced by a deep roar coming from behind the two. They turned around to meet a grave expression of the king himself, while Seokjin was silently expecting what was about to happen, he himself beginning to feel uneasy.

"Yes, your Majes-"

"Please come to the front." Seokjin who was standing at the king's right hissed at the fuming tone of his younger friend, already not liking what was about to come.

"Taehyung, what-" whispering, he wanted to stop whatever was about to happen, but deep down he knew he had no chance in stopping the young Saint once he made up his mind about something.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" sputtered one of the soldiers, confused at the sudden, raging aura coming from the king's presence. Both soldiers stood at the stair leading to the throne, silently awaiting the emperor's words.

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