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Uninvited guest

Something went wrong

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Something went wrong. Something went terribly wrong. I could feel it in every single bone, my every single nerve and with every single sense.

It was terrifying how still the man in front of me was. And he hasn't moved ever since I entered the dark chamber. Sitting with his elbows on his knees, looking blankly in front of him at nothing in particular, the king was silent, not even acknowledging my presence.

Did he even notice I entered? I didn't know but I could only guess that he did, knowing his developed hearing probably alerted him of my presence.

Fiddling with my fingers, I took a few steps ahead and stood right in front of him. But his eyes never wandered up, they stayed glued on the same spot, as if I was invisible.

I knew I should be probably scared, knowing something's definitely up with him, but it was hard to admit that I was more worried than anything.

What could have had happened to make him like this? Just this afternoon he looked happier than ever, granting me with his charming smiles and whatnot.

Taking a deep breath I looked down at the ground, clutching my nightgown in my fists tightly.

"Is something the matter, Your Majesty?" I asked quietly, careful not to interrupt the deathly silence in the room. It felt as if a single careless word could wake up the sleeping beast above our heads, making it violently and mercilessly destroy everything around us, blowing us away with its bloodsheding storm.

The king didn't move an inch. However, it didn't escape me how his intertwined hands tightened around each other, his fingers turning white at the strength.

"What are you doing here?" he seethed quietly, the fury in his voice making even the deepest part of me tremble. I needed a few seconds to process his question, making me gawk silently at him with my lips parted.

Did he forget he called for me? That's stupid, we've been sleeping together for weeks, why would he suddenly forget?

"I-you called for me Your Majesty. This afternoon you-you told me to come."

"I did, huh?"

The guy was officially out of it, I was more than sure. He didn't even bother to look up at me, it was as if he was talking to himself, looking blankly at one spot of my dress as I was standing right in front of him. For the first time in weeks, he was creeping me out.

"You did." I affirmed quietly, nodding my head.

I didn't dare to take my eyes off of him, feeling as if hell would break loose if I did.

But even so, with my poor human eye, I didn't manage to register the moment he reached for my neck suddenly. I couldn't register him pushing me on the bed harshly and caging me under him. In the insane speed, I didn't manage to do anything but squeak out of shock, my lungs burning and my breath hitching from the movement.

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