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Fuck up

A long, painful silence stretched on as I watched the man in front of me in disbelief, the paper I was holding burning the tips of my fingers

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A long, painful silence stretched on as I watched the man in front of me in disbelief, the paper I was holding burning the tips of my fingers. Seeing that he wasn't replying I slowly turned back around to pick up the other papers, looking over them with my stomach in a painful knot.

''Chaeyoung please, don't-''

''All these...'' I muttered under my nose, gaping at the tens of documents all around me, ''they're all about me...'' I looked at the paper which was numbered one. All the basic information about me was written down one after another. My full name, my age, my original address, my parents' names, even my fricking blood type. Turning my eyes away from it, they landed on the one just next to it, this one was numbered five. It had all the information about my previous education, my grades, and my report cards.

Standing up from the ground I turned back to him.

''What's all this?'' I questioned in a hoarse whisper, ''why do you have all this?'' sighing, Taehyung rubbed his face, looking down to the ground.

''I got them today.''

''Why?'' looking back down at the papers in my hands, my heart jumped in my throat as I ran my eyes over the page numbered three. The one I picked up first. The one that had everything about my parents written down. Their late families, their jobs, their health statuses, their death...

Looking back up to him, Taehyung was silent, the guilt never leaving his features.

''Taehyung, why do you have these?'' I was raising my voice right now but I couldn't help it.

As far as I knew, no one had ever mentioned to me that the king checked our backgrounds. The girls would have told me, right? Does this mean he knows everything now? Everything from A to Z about me?

It's not like I had anything to hide but... was this really necessary?

''I wanted to...know some stuff,'' I scoffed quietly at that, watching him in disbelief.

''Why didn't you ask me then?'' Taehyung took a deep breath in, not looking at me. Clenching my jaw I threw the papers to the ground, ''so what now, you basically know everything about me there is to know?'' at this he shook his head quickly, looking at me with widened eyes but I didn't let him talk, ''you went ahead and got all this information about me without my consent, without just asking me about it.''


''No,'' I interrupted him sternly, my fists clenching by my sides, ''I thought we were getting somewhere.'' I said now quietly, Taehyung's eyes softening at the little falter in my voice. He took a step closer but I stepped back, shaking my head, ''Don't, it's okay. I was simply getting way ahead of myself,'' I uttered bitterly.

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