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Being a girl is a hassle

I grinned giddily before crouching down, gazing at the bushes of roses in front of me

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I grinned giddily before crouching down, gazing at the bushes of roses in front of me.

Till now I haven't volunteered to water the gardens since I was not aware of the fact that it was allowed.

Yet, here I am after getting permission from the gardener and I couldn't be more glad I asked.

The gardens were breathtaking, which wasn't all that surprising considering the palace itself looked like the palace of the heavens. Countless flowers, bushes, and trees in all colors and sizes graced the lawns, creating colorful mazes and flowerbeds, making the place look like out of this world.

However me being me, I couldn't stop admiring the roses in all kinds of colors, the flowers spreading along the walls of the palace gracefully.

I smiled softly as I reached my hand towards the petals, the running water hose still clutched in my other hand.

"Come on Chaeyoung! Slow down, we'll get lost!" whined Jungkook as I kept on running past the countless trees, entering deeper into the forest. I giggled before looking behind me, watching the boy trying to keep up with me while breathing heavily.

Stopping in my tracks I grinned, allowing him to catch up with me. Jungkook leaned his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath before shooting a small glare my way.

"You should move around more often," I chuckled with a cheeky grin, getting a whack on the back of my head as a response.

"Yah!" I pouted, holding my head with a pout.

"That's for running off like that! Do you want to get lost? We're already so far away from the village, I don't even know if we're going to be able to find a way back!" he scolded before looking around him, an obvious worry crossing his face.

"Talk for yourself, for your information I do know my way back." I retorted back, crossing my hands with a huff.

"Great in that case, let's go back," he instructed already pulling at my arm.

"Wait! But I don't want to go back yet, the sun's still up, we have some time!"

"Chaeyoung please, I don't want to get scoldings from my mom again!"

"The last time you got scoldings was because you came out here all by yourself. Now there's two of us and I know my way around here, unlike you! Let's go!" now it was my turn to pull him by his hand, going deeper into the forest with the whining boy behind me.

"If we get eaten by a wolf it will be your fault then," I chuckled at his rants, intertwining his hand with mine as we walked ahead into the comfortable silence of the forest.

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