Chapter Forty Four

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Dean pulled the impala into a petrol station while the boys continued to discuss the case. "We just got to chill out,that's all. You know, if this was any other kind of job, what would we do?" Sam stared a head and took a deep breath, knowing Dean was right. "We'd try to figure out what we were dealing with. We'd dig into the history of the house."

Dean nodded "exactly. Except we already know what happened." Sam interrupted " yeah but how much do we really know? I mean how much do you actually remember?" Dean was uncomfortable about the question. He stared through the back windshield, watching Liddy fly her dragon around from her car seat as he answered "about that night you mean?" Sam nodded "yeah...."

Dean tried to be evasive "no much... I remember the fire.....the heat.....then I carried you out the front door." That took Sam by surprise "you did?" Dean nodded slightly "yeah, why you never knew?" Sam shook his head shocked "no...." dean swallowed trying to compose himself and shive back to what they were talking about to avoid the awkwardness "and ummm, well, you know dad's story as well as I do... mum was....was on the ceiling.... what ever put her there was long gone by the time dad found her."

Sam still couldn't understand how that was all they knew "and he never had a theory about what did this?" Dean sighed "if he did, he kept it to himself. God knows we asked him enough times." Sam noded slowly " if we're gonna figure out what's going on now... we have to figure out what happened back then... and see if it's the same thing."

Dean answered quickly "yeah. Talk to dad's friends, neighbours. People who were there at the time." Sam shook his head "does this feel like just another job to you?" Dean stayed quiet. Not wanting to answer that. He was really struggling to hold himself together at this point.

Luckily Liddy chose this moment to interrupt them "D! D! Uh-oh!" Dean knew exactly what that ment. Sam just looked at him strangely "umm, still trying to potty train. Forgot about a bathroom break for her." Sam made a face as dean pushed him off the boot so he could grab her change bag and then went around to grab her "we'll be right back. Gotta go to the bath room."

Dean got to the door and smiled at her even though she looked ready to ball her eyes out. Dean knew she hated being in a wet diaper. "Come on mini. Let's get you changed." Liddy just nodded as he unbuckled her and she quickly crawled into his arms." Dean headed for the bathroom and hopped their was a changing area.


Liddy was now all cleaned up and cuddled into deans neck, still feeling upset about the wet diaper. Dean was gently bouncing her as he pulled out his phone. He looked towards the car to make sure Sam couldn't see them as he made a call. He listened as it kept ringing, placing a kiss on liddy's head hoping he would pick up.

Sadly it just went to an answering machine "this is John Winchester. If this is an emergency, call my son Dean. 866-907-3235" as soon as the message finished and the recording beeped dean started talking quickly "dad....." liddy's head shot up from his shoulder quickly at hearing dean say dad. The tears she had been holding back started falling at this point causing dean to start having trouble holding his back as he spoke "I know I've left you messages before. I don't even know if you get them..... but I'm with Sam and Liddy...l and we're in Lawrence... and there's something in our old house. I don't know if it's the thing that killed mum or not...but....I don't know what to do..... so whatever your doing, if you could get here.....please.... I need your help dad.."

Dean almost broke as he listened to Liddy crying "dada......dada" he knew how badly she wanted him to be there, just like him. He sighed and hung up the call and pulled her back to his shoulder, bouncing her in an attempted to sooth both of them. He took a few deep breaths and made his way back to the car.

Sam looked at him off as he took liddy's bag from dean. Dean just shook his head "she doesn't like wet diaper's" Sam nodded, believing his brother as he put the bag in the boot while dean got Liddy into her seat.

Dean kissed her head as she tried to keep a hold of his shirt "it'll be ok mini. I promise." He pried her hands off and gave her, her studies as she continued to sob, wanting to be held."


It was the next day and the siblings were at their dad's old work place. They had found the man they were looking for and talked as they all walked out of the offfice. Liddy was walking just infront of them as she listened to them talk "so you and John Winchester, you used to own this garage together?"

The man nodded as he watched carefully that the little one didn't walk somewhere dangerous "yeah, we used to.. a long time ago. Matter of fact, it must be 20 years since John disappeared." He turned back to the boys when Liddy stopped and playfully threw herself at deans leg.

The man continued "so why are the cops interested?" Dean tried to stay serious even though Liddy was being a playful little monkey "oh, we're reopening some unsolved cases, and the Winchester disappearance is one."

The man nodded "well, what do you wanna know about John?" Dean replied as he bent down to pick Liddy up as she was about to roll around on the dirty ground "what ever you can remember? Whatever sticks out in your mind." He attempted to bounce her as she huffed and threw her head backwards in an attempted to get out of his arms but he held her tight and knew her tricks so he was ready.

The man thought for a second "well..... he was a stubborn blasters, I remember that....oh sorry...." apologising for swearing in front of the little one. Sam shook his head "it's fine" the man nodded and continued "whatever the game, he hated to lose, you know? It was the whole marine thing.... but ahh.... he sure loved Mary. And he doted on those kids."

Sam started to get his nose out of joint since that wasn't the John he remembered "but that was before the fire?" The man nodded sadly "that's right." Sam questioned "he ever talk about that night?" Liddy finally choosing that moment to settle down as she saw the man getting sad. She layed her head on deans shoulder and listened as he continued "no... not at first.... I think he was in shock."

Sam pushed further "right, but eventually?" Dean side eyes Sam as he pushed "what did he say about that night?" The man shook his head not wanting to speak badly of John "oh he wasn't thinking straight. He said.... he said something caused that fire and killed Mary." Dean finally spoke up "he ever say what did it?"

The man was uncomfortable know, he didn't was John to sound crazy "nothing did it. It was an accident. An electrical short in the ceiling or walls or something..... I begged him to get some help, but....." Dean pushed this time "but what?" The man was getting more uncomfortable "well, he just got worse and worse." Still dean pushed "Man sighed "he started reading these strange old books. He started going to see this palm-reader in town."

Dean noded "palm-reader? Do you have a name?" The man shook his head "no." The boys noded and said their goodbyes. And went back to the car in search of a phone booth. They finally found one and Sam started searching it while dean leaned against the car and played with Liddy who was still this big ball of energy right now.

He smiled while listened to Sam and watching Liddy attempt to hop over the small cracks on the ground but failing each time. Sam read out "alright, so there's a few psychics and palm-readers in town. There's a someone named El Divino. There's the mysterious Mr Fortensky. Ahhh Missouri Mosley, some dude named..."

But dean quickly cut Sam off "wait, wait... Missouri Mosley?" Sam looked at him strangely "what?" Dean continued "that's a psychic?" Sam nodded still not getting it "yeah... yeah I guess so." Dean pushed off from the car went to grab their dad's journal. "In dad's journal. Come here and look at this."

Sam walked over, carefully stepped over Liddy as she started rolling on the ground again. He looked over deans shoulder "first page, first sentence. Read that." Dean showed him. Sam started reading "I went to Missouri and I learned the truth." Dean nodded "I always thought he ment the state."

They both nodded and turned around to grab Liddy only to find her now super dirty and giggling her head off as she rolled around attempting to take her shoes off. Dean sighed shaking his head at the little freee spirit attempting to do a nudy run again. He picked her up and put her in her seat before getting in the front with Sam "I'll clean her when we get there..."

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