Chapter Forty Six

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They arrived at the house. As they were all getting out of the car, dean was at the back door getting Liddy out but she started crying. "Hey hey, what's wrong?" Dean asked while patting her back but she just continued to cry. Missouri watch her and noticed how Liddy didn't take her eyes off the house. She turned to Sam "did she do this last time you were here?" Sam shook his head watching dean attempt to calm her down.

Missouri looked at the house and could sense something "she'll calm down soon but we should hurry up now." The boys looked at her and nodded before making their way to the front door. Sam knocked on the door while dean bounced Liddy in his arms.

It didn't take long for the door to be answered "Sam, dean. What are you doing here?" Jenny said slightly panicked. Sam could see she was shaken up so he answered carefully "hey Jenny. Ummm, this is out friend, Missouri" Missouri stepped up closer to give Jenny a warm smile. Sam continued "we were hoping to show her the old house."

Dean spoke up with a smile "you know, for old time's sake." Jenny was feeling freaked out and uncomfortable "you know what? This isn't a good time. I'm kinda busy." Jenny attempted to close the door but dean stopped her "listen Jenny, it's important." But before dean could say anymore, Missouri smacked him across the back of the head again.

" give the poor girl a break. Can't you see she's upset?" She reprimanded dean. She stepped forward to adresss Jenny herself "forgive him. He means well. He's just not the sharpest tool in the shed. But hear me out." Dean looked at her shocked. She really was ripping into him. Through her tears, Liddy giggled a tiny bit which helped dean shake off the burn.

Jenny looked at them for a few seconds "about what?" Missouri looked around the house "about this house." Jenny replied shakily " what are you talking about?" Missouri looked right at Jenny "I think you know what I'm talking about. You think there's something in this house. Something that wants to hurt your family. Am I mistaken?"

Jenny was shocked "who are you?" Missouri answered reassuringly "we're people who can help. Who can stop this thing. But your gonna have to trust us just a little." Jenny stood there looking at them for a few seconds before letting them in.


They made their way upstairs. Liddy squirmed to be put down so dean did so he could look around. Missouri said "if there's a dark energy around here, this room should be the center of it." Sam looked at her confused "why?" Missouri looked back at him "this used to be your nursery, Sam. This is where it all happened."

They all looked around the room including Liddy. She wasn't afraid in this room. She felt calm. She was looking at some of the girls things but for a change wasn't pulling everything off the shelves and making a mess. She could hear fluttering that sounded like her friend but there wasn't a one around and the fluttering just kept going.

Dean pulled out his emf to see if he could find anything and Missouri turned to look at him "that an emf?" Dean nodded "yeah." Missouri scoffed "amateur." Missouri kept searching but also kept an eye on what Liddy was doing. She could tell the girl was sensing something. She watch as Liddy stepped in front of the closed and just stared at it, not afraid at all.

Deans emf started going off catching the boys attention but Missouri frowned at not feeling the same as when the boys where young. But she was feeling a mix of things. "I don't know if you should be disappointed or relieved but this ain't the thing that took your mom."

Sam was shocked that it wasn't "are you sure? How do you know?" He said slight angry because he was so sure he had found the thing and could kill it. Missouri shook her head "it isn't the same energy I felt the last time I was here. It's something different" dean questions as Missouri walked over to the closet where Liddy was still standing "what is it?" As soon as the doors opened, Liddy ran in and started jumping up and down in excitement at what she could feel. It felt like a warm hug to her and the fluttering sound was even stronger now but still she couldn't see her friend anywhere.

Missouri followed her in, noting her reaction to this space and what she herself could sense and then she realised "not it, them. There's more then one spirit in this place." Dean was shocked as they could now see how happy Liddy was looking "what are they doing here?" He asked.

Missouri walked back out to the boys as Liddy laid right on the ground giggling and rolling. Missouri looked at the boys "they're here because of what happened to your family. You see all those years ago, real evil came to you. It walked this house. That kind of evil leaves wounds. And sometimes sounds get infected."

Sam shook his head, he couldn't make out what she was meaning since Liddy seemed so calm and happy. How could this thing be bad then "I don't understand," Missouri continued "this place is a magnet for paranormal energy. It's attracted a poltergeist. A nasty one. And it won't rest until Jenny and her babies are dead."

Sam panicked over that while watching Liddy, how could she be this happy if it's a poltergeist "you said there was more than one spirit." Missouri nodded and point to Liddy "there is, I can't quite make out the second one. But I don't believe it's bad. I think she's picking up on that. Don't freak, babies are like cats. Extra sensitive to energy. What ever it is. I don't believe it wants to hurt anyone."

Dean sighed "well, one things for damn sure. Nobody's dying in this house ever again. So whatever is here, how do we stop it?" Missouri looked back to dean to see how serious he was. She nodded "I need some things from my place." Dean nodded and quickly grabbed Liddy from the closet "awww, I no done yet." Dean kissed her cheek while staying serious and following Sam and Missouri out.


Back at Missouri's place. Missouri wasted no time in gathering things before placing them on the table. Sam had set Liddy down in the seat infront of him that he was leaning against and kept having to fight the little bugger who kept trying to grab things off the table as dean got to work putting things together and talking to Missouri "so what is all this stuff anyway?"

Missouri turned around and placed another bottle on the table "Angelica root, van van oil, crossroad dirt. A few other odds and ends." She finished while turned to Liddy and grabbing the necklace she put on Liddy. She held its up where Liddy could see and gave it 3 taps with her finger. Liddy was instantly glued to playing with it again. To the boys is was just a plain necklace but everytime it was tapped 3 times, it would see if a slightly ringing sound that only some could hear. Missouri didn't see a new to explain it since it was a special angel crystal. Missouri has a hunch in what Liddy is but the boys were not ready to hear it.

Her thoughts were broken as dean questioned her " what are we supposed to do with it?" Missouri walked around the other side of Sam "we're gonna put them inside the walls. In the nort, south, east and west corners on each floor of the house."

Dean continued to make things as he remarked "we're gonna be punching holes in the walls, Jenny's gonna love that." Missouri said back with attitude "she'll live." Sam interrupt "and this will destroy the spirit?" Missouri nodded "it should. It should purify the house completely. We'll each take a floor. But we work fast. Once the spirits realise what we're up to, things are gonna get bad."

Sam and dean both nodded, since Sam no longer had to stop Liddy from grabbing things he sat down and started helping get the bags done.

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