Chapter Fifty

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Dean was waiting out the front of the physiatrists office with Liddy waiting for Sam. Dean was leaning against the wall watching Liddy looking at the flowers in the planter infront of the building. He smirked when she turned back to him with a look of horror and ran as fast as her little legs could go back to his side. She wrapped her arms around his leg looking up at him with glossy eyes.

With a wobbling lip she said "bugs" dean shivered at the though "me to mini, me to." Both remembering a past case involving bugs. Dean looked up when he herd the door swing open and Sam walking past them. Dean frowned and picked Liddy up, quickly catching up to Sam "dude, you were in there forever. What the hell were you talking about?"

Sam tried to be evasive and shrugged "just the hospital, you know?" Dean raised his eyebrows at his brother waiting for him to continue and trying to ignore his sister who was not attempting to stick her finger in his ear "and?" Sam smirked at her for a second before replying "and the south wing, it's where they housed the real hard cases. The psychotics, the criminally insane."

Dean batted liddy's finger away from his ear when she attempted to jab really hard while they walked "that sounds cozy...Liddy don't put your finger in there" Liddy giggled and started looking for over places she could poke at.

Sam continued "yeah. And one night in '64, they rioted. Attacked staff, attacked each other." Dean nodded "so what, the patients took over the asylum?" Sam nodded "apparently" dean thought "any deaths?"

They stopped at the car right as Liddy thought dean's nose was a great new place to try and stick her finger in. Sam replied while trying not to laugh "some patients, some staff. I guess it was pretty gory.....just like your nose"

Dean stared at Sam with no emotion until Liddy decided to tug his nose airs. Dean frowns in pain and quickly pulls her hand away "seriously kiddo. Keep those fingers to yourself." Dean looked back at Sam, not seeing her sheug her shoulders like she's seen him do many times and take his words seriously. Sticking her finger right up her own nose and turning to smile at Sam like she was doing a good thing.

Sam cleared his throat to try and keep his composure "some of the bodies were never even recovered. Including our chief of staff, Elliott......."sam couldn't hold his composure and burst out laughing, causing dean to look at Liddy to see her attempting to dig around up her nose with crossed eyes. Dean sighed loudly while rolling his eyes.

Grabbing her hand, he held it by her side so she would stop while trying to get back to their conversation "what do you mean, never recovered?" Sam smiled at her huffy face and replied "cops scoured every inch of the place, but I guess the patients must've.... Stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden."

Liddy scrunched up her face while whispering "ew." Dean nodded to her "that's grim." "Yeah, so they transferred all the surviving patients and shut down the hospital." Sam finished. Dean put the pieces together in his head and said "alright so we've got violent deaths and unrecovered bodies." Sam nodded "which could mean we've got a bunch of angry spirits."

Dean smirked "good times. Let's check out the hospital tonight." Dean went to walk around to the drivers side but Sam grabbed his arm "dude it was bad enough we talk her during the dam but at night? Aren't we cutting it a little close here? It's pretty dangerous." Dean sighed "I know but what choice do we have. Both of us have to go and I'm not leaving her at the hotel alone. I won't do it."

Sam could see how serious he was and decided not to argue. Giving a small nod they both turned to get into the car. This time dean kept Liddy up the front with both of them. Liddy chose this time to try for Sam's nose but he avoided having dean and Liddy's booger covered finger away from him while dean just laughed.

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