Chapter Thirty Five

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Dean and Liddy arrived at the cemetery. Dean got out the supplies they needed and a flashlight from the trunk. He went around to the back seat and got Liddy out "ok mini me. I've got a job for you. When we find this spot that I'm trying to find, your gonna be on flash light duty. Think you can handle that?"

Liddy giggles and poked her tongue out at him while nodded. Dean shook his head smirking and readjust his grip on everything he was carry while putting Liddy down. "Stay close ok? Hand in my leg at all times." Liddy grabbed at the side of his jeans "ya, no go." Dean flashed the light around to see which direction to go in while replying "that's right. You don't go anywhere."

Dean started walking to a section with older graves, Liddy gripping his pants the hole time. It took him a while since there was a lot of unmarked graves around in this section. As they continued looking around, dean stopped where he was, placing a hand on Liddy's head when he heard what sounded like was something standing on some sticks and breaking them. He looked around trying to see if he could see anything that could be dangerous to him and Liddy.

It stayed quiet so he started walking again but listening really carefully as he made sure Liddy was still holding his pants. Liddy was starting to get really tired so she didn't really pay attention to the sound but luckily the trick of making her hold onto their pants was something dean and their dad had been doing since she started walking. She stayed right against his leg, making it easier for dean to pay close attention to there surroundings.

He moved further into the old section on the cemetery when he finally noticed a mark on an really small headstone. It was the same symble they had seen in the documents and at the crime scene. "Here we go." Dean walked down a little bit of a hill and helped Liddy so she wouldn't fall.nhe walked up to the grave stone and put his bags down.

He turned back to Liddy and held her hand, guiding her to stand right beside the headstone "alright. Here comes your job. I want you to keep a hand on this rock. Do not let go for a second. Now, I want you to hold this flashlight facing down at the ground I'm digging ok? What's your job?"

Liddy held the flashlight in one hand and looked at it before looking at the stone. She had her tongue sticking out and she thought really hard about what he just said before replying "fashwite?" Dean noded "yep and what else?" Liddy contemplated again before looking at her hand that dean had put on the big rock beside her " go?"

Dean nodded and kissed her head "good girl. Hand stays on the rock and hold that flightlight as still as you can ok?" She nodded quickly, feeling very proud of herself as getting it right. Dean picked up a shovel and started digging up the ground. The light was a bit shaky but he knew she was doing her best and this was the first time she had a proper task on one of there cases.


It took a while and at one point Liddy had asked dean if she could sit down. He made sure she was against where he had placed the headstone and helped her reposition the flash light since her hands had gotten sore holding it for so long.

Dean finally got to the coffin but before breaking it ok he looked at Liddy "ok bub. New task. If I need to move you I will do it. But I want you to hold the flash light right where it is but close your eyes. Don't open them. What do you have to do?" Liddy thought hard again and squeezed her eyes closed" dean patted her head and got started on opening he coffin.

He broke through the top while breathing heavily, swet pouring off him. He put the shovel down and sighed "that's it, next time.... we get to watch the cute girl's house. What do you think bubs?" Liddy didn't reply but just giggled. Dean shook his head with a smirk.

He grabbed liddy's hand "keep those eye closed." She nodded "ya, eye cosed" dean moved her hands so the flashlight was fasing into the coffin. Dean could see the bones "hello, preacher." Dean jumped out of the hole and went to his bag. He grabbed the carton of salt and a bottle of lighter fluid. And walked over to Liddy.

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